Are you really a man without a beard?

    by throwraworld


    1. I’m a straight guy, but that picture, with the long beard just like a woman’s hair, it’s turning me on. Hubba hubba.

    2. Kyle_Blackpaw on

      good, if we get enough men maybe more countries will stop imprisoning and killing us

    3. drop_bear_2099 on

      Sorry but religion doesn’t rule my life, maybe if you treated everyone as equals, then I might listen.

    4. marciii1986 on

      Mr. “Tumbleweed on my chin” can’t believe that some men on gods green earth simply can’t grow a proper beard. Homophobic asshole, I hope your virgins in the afterlife are all men with beards.

    5. ResearchDirector on

      Uhm, beards give me impure thoughts speaking as a gay man with a beard.

    6. purl__clutcher on

      How about teaching the men not to act on the thoughts. Or is that too difficult?

    7. ThrowRArosecolor on

      Jokes on them, I, a woman, have a beard. There goes your carefully constructed masculinity!!

      (Well ok, it’s a few hairs but they get real long overnight and if I was a boy on the edge of puberty, I’d be proud of them. They also do t last long before me and my car tweezers get them)

    8. TheLowClassics on

      I have been trying to grow a beard for 30 years. I get a couple patches. 

      And I still just look like a stupid sexy bearded lady. 

      Must be my seductive eyes I guess. 

    9. Oh my god, what is weong with the heads of these men.
      Is their only thing in their head, women and their body?
      Are they so easily to confuse?
      I think even their god can not help them, with their sick heads.

    10. Everyone knows “face smoothness” is like the #1 feminine trait everyone looks at in women.

      /s obviously

    11. It’s true. I shaved earlier, and when I looked in the mirror, I felt gay in my pants.

    12. Neat-Elk7890 on

      Weirdly enough, as a straight woman, I can’t imagine another woman with a beard or a masculine body being attractive. 🤔

    13. He’s probably a closer gay, poor chap … thats why he wants to police the men around him …

    14. Fuck, I’m in my forties and still no beard. I must be gay. Or maybe I’m just causing other men turn gay. Sorry fellas.

    15. Listen here, I got the perfect solution to find out if a guy is gay. You give him a blowjob, and if he cums in your mouth, he is gay. I would no, I’m always testing random guys to make sure my fellow bros know who is a gay.

    16. SpicyPotato_15 on

      You can’t out yourself like this in front of so many homophobes and being their leader.

    17. ThatsNotWhatyouMean on

      If you think the only thing stopping you from eating dicks is a beard, there’s a solid chance you kind of wanted to eat dicks to begin with…

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