“I’ve never met this woman in my life!” -Trump

    by TheNurse_


    1. Burnvictim49percent on

      It’s only a matter of time before he says he doesn’t know her just because he took a picture with her.

    2. Man – the DNC needs to do a huge ad buy and just flood battleground states with this. Show Trump show Project 2025, show the Supreme Court, show the “bloodless revolution comment” show a QR code that takes you to a website – that reveals all the details.

    3. SeegsonSynthetics on

      “Come closer, Karoline. I like it when you come real close. I like them on the younger side but this will do.” – Donald Trump, felon and pedophile.

    4. If I found a lamp with a genie in it and said genie granted me one wish, I’d use that wish so I could punch Trump with all my power in his fucking face while he grins like a skull and does his stupid thumbs-up-gesture.

    5. DoodleyDooderson on

      It always amazes me how women attach themselves to this kind of stuff. They literally want to take every right she has away and she just stands there grinning like an empty headed baffoon.

    6. It’s like he gloats, all the more, when the story he’s saying is insanely ridiculous. He’s laughing inside with a deep hatred of everyone.

    7. afellowchucker on

      The conspiracy part of me wonders if republicans are trying to lose this election. Nominating Trump again, the Supreme Court craziness, and the project 2025 stuff. Like these are all things that are motivating people to vote against them. Like clearly people aren’t thrilled with Biden’s age, so if republicans acted somewhat normal they would have had much more of a chance to win. So if they were smart, all they would have had to do is push someone closer to normal like Nikki Haley and they probably would have won. And then after the election they could have tried the stuff with project 2025 and it would have been much harder to stop. I just can’t figure out the reasoning behind coming up with an extreme/very unpopular agenda and releasing it prior to an election. Like are they really that out of touch? It just seems like such a boneheaded move and now people are extremely motivated to vote democrat just to stop the craziness.

    8. Well now we know who wrote his altogether too coherent message about him not knowing anything about it.

    9. dragonfliesloveme on

      What the fuck is it with women who work for trump? Like wtf is wrong them? Are they pathological too? Or just in denial and delusional? It makes zero sense. There has to be something wrong with them.

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