They love it

    by political_memer


    1. AlabamaHotcakes on

      “Just further proof that the deepstate is out to get him!”

      – A moron

    2. GetOnYourBikesNRide on

      To be fair, Trump’s not the first alt-right politician they’ve voted for knowing of his pedo predilections.

    3. Hunter-Gatherer_ on

      Trumps wrong about so much fucking shit but one thing he was right about is the fact that the Republican Party wouldn’t give 2 shits about his behavior. He called it. I just didn’t expect the god damn Supreme Court to be an accomplice. One or two of the justices (Thomas and Alito) sure but damn.

      “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?” Trump remarked at a campaign stop at Dordt College in Sioux Center, Iowa. “It’s, like, incredible.” -DJT

    4. Ambitious_Coffee551 on

      If MAGA doesn’t care that trump committed adultery, committed treason, sexually assaulted a woman, committed fraud & is a paedophile.
      I don’t care if Biden is old.

    5. SAyyOuremySIN on

      The ultimate irony on the ultimate MAGA projection. ‘Joe Biden’s a pedophile’

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