b-but ‘MURICA!!

    by jellylemonshake


    1. Zestyclothes on

      You should see how hard people try to avoid getting more education after they finish the mandatory amount.

    2. Swimming_Sink277 on

      My old boss always said they should hire former teachers to be law enforcement instead of ex-military psychos.

      Experts at de-escalation.

    3. In my state, a new police officer requires 480 hours of academy training plus another 640 hours of field training, for a total of 1,120. A cosmetologist requires 1,500 hours of training to get a license.

      So, it’s harder to cut hair in my state than to be a gun-wielding cop. I’ll let you chew on that for a while.

    4. punisher0421 on

      How many of you would take a job with a set income for the next 4 years without the possibility over any overtime. Sure I will jump at the job paying 45,000 a year for the next 4 years

    5. NovariusDrakyl on

      in germany it’s 3 years and we have a lot less shootings, murder as the USA but we have also gun laws and our kids can play outside with play pistols without any fear.

    6. PandasAndSandwiches on

      Good idea. The standards for law enforcement are so low in the US.

    7. Not the time is relevant, the quality of training is. And yes quality requires a lot of time, more then most police departements demand.

      The world needs police, but they ought to be our best. Not the cheapest.

    8. therealtiddlydump on

      Thanks to _Jordan v City of New London_, municipalities can also reject candidates who show **too much** aptitude.

      We purposefully hire dangerous idiots and then poorly train them. USA! USA!

    9. I feel like police training is an on job training for the most part. This helps weed out people who are good at taking tests but cant handle real situations.

    10. In my state a plumber needs 10,000 hours of training, 5 years, to attain a plumbers license

    11. People say to cut funds from the police and ‘that’ll show em’
      But it needs to be the opposite.. Increase pay and increase our educational standards.

    12. Accomplished_Sun1506 on

      I feel ya but it is considerably easier to enforce a law than to interpret the law.

    13. ValuableAd8880 on

      Unless you want to raise our taxes to pay them more money, nobody is gonna pay for that much schooling just to be a cop. People pay hundreds of thousands for university in exchange to make hundreds of thousands in their specific profession. Nobody’s will do that to make 60k a year. You gotta be stupid

    14. samhain-kelly on

      For the amount of power they wield, 4 years sounds more than reasonable. After 6 measly months, we’re slapping a badge on these people and sending them out into the world with guns and damn near immunity from prosecution. It’s a proven recipe for disaster.

    15. YeahOkayGood on

      The cop vocation is just legalized thuggery,with special skills of grifting the judicial system to enable legal violence against anyone they can.

    16. What is wild is this wouldn’t be very hard to implement. Just fund the 2 year training program, with the idea that it phases out the crappy 6 months one.

      It solves the idea that we will have a shortage for higher training times, and it eventually phases shitty cops with better-qualified ones.

    17. spaceguitar on

      In some jurisdictions, like where sheriffs departments are, all you need to do to be a cop is know the guy hiring.

      My cousin’s husband was a deputy at 18 because his dad is the elected county sheriff.


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