change doesn’t need to be hard or a super difficult goal!

    by Piggle_pi


    1. AnotherJohnJimenez on


      legit jealous of you if you can get a mood boost just by changing routes.

    2. captain_nemo- on

      Yup even small steps make huge differences
      Had repetitive , uninteresting , unproductive sedentary lifestyle for Past 2 years monotonously,sure it passed like it was 2 months worse part do not have recollection of what I did in that time period
      Probably this is why it’s called sedentary lifestyle as if you were unconscious
      Did not achieve a thing lost 2 years of my productive phase

      Glad to break this cycle I suppose
      I am still at my low in life
      Though feel much better
      Get professional help if necessary and never stop moving (psychologically and literally)

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