I’m certain the MAGA’s would be arming themselves and preparing to deploy Meal Team 6 if a Liberal DARE say anything close to this

    by TROLOLOL6969


    1. AlabamaHotcakes on

      It’s a true mask off moment in history for the american “conservative” movement.

      Prepare accordingly.

    2. Revelati123 on

      OP, MAGAs are ready to deploy gravy seals weather liberals say anything or not.

    3. Raccoon_Expert_69 on

      It’s mighty bold talk for someone who still has their head attached to their body

    4. Nothalffast on

      This country doesn’t need a revolution, it needs a revelation. Control the media and control the narrative. Pack SCOTUS with genuinely honest folk. Purge Congress of the traitors and enablers. Enact laws and rules to shore up the weaknesses to Democracy (long list for another post).

    5. RubiksSugarCube on

      I just find it laughable that brave ol’ Kevin Roberts goes to a safe space like Bannon’s podcast to thump his chest. Let’s see if he’s got the stones to go on Maddow and try that shit

    6. sambolino44 on

      Well, I guess we have nothing to worry about! I mean, when has the left ever just rolled over and let the right get away with whatever they want? /s

    7. “I won’t kill you if you let me rape you” is how this reads to me. And, yeah, I’m gonna pass. I don’t want bloodshed either, but I won’t let them trample over other people’s rights.

    8. Liquor_Walrus on

      What’s funny is when Donald won they were in the second revolution, now that he lost they are back to being in the process… Gotta admire their chutzpah!

    9. Playful-Tumbleweed10 on

      Fuck that guy and the high horse he rode in on. I will fight him bare knuckle if needed.

    10. Ok-Egg-4856 on

      If the left allows it ????? Hint, they have to break some laws to make it happen. Granting the executive total power over legislative and judicial would be bad enough with an honest ethically grounded person. Handing that over to Donnie ? What was that about leopards ?

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