
    by FoxxyysShow


    1. Constant_Cultural on

      German here. We just got cars, and the Internet, it’s nice here 😀

    2. but on the plus side they pay a living wage to their worker, who also get months of paid vacation a year and then their is that pesky affordable health insurance too. nope maga don’t want to go there.

    3. AstronomerThat4357 on

      Ooo, I can’t wait to for us all to get guns and teach our kids to kill each other. Or worse, survive and go through bankruptcy to get medical care. Better we educate them, oh, wait another crippling debt.
      I wish we were all American. I’m glad we live in this tiny third-world country.

    4. Of course Europeans don’t need food. They’re all about that photosynthesis

    5. Nuclear-9299 on

      Hmm. What kind of tech is in USA and is missing in Europe? Self driving experiments, which should be confined to test polygons?

    6. FluffyDiscipline on

      Way they are talking do they think Europe is a country on it’s own or something ??…

      “It’s fine to visit” lol which bit do they mean ??

    7. PlaneRespond59 on

      I’m so sad, in Slovenia we still didn’t invent food, we have great WiFi though!

    8. National_Oil8587 on

      It’s still renaissance here in France, and I think we might get rid of the king soon..

    9. as an european, i can confirm i never eat and dont have access to any technology

    10. And better consumer privacy and protection laws. I’d move if I could. Sounds way better than our current shit-show.

    11. Trust me. You WANT these morons believing that so you never have the misfortune of meeting them, even as tourists…😂

    12. Old-Law-7395 on

      UK, we just got dial up internet today. I so enjoyed voting yesterday the wife and I used the horse and carriage to get to the church hall.

    13. Exact_Patience_9767 on

      Straight up crap when it comes to what he thinks doesn’t sucks. An ignorant fool that should be asking about universal health care, cheaper education and cost of living, and 30 days mandatory vacation for all workers. Hyper capitalism has led him to this mentality.

    14. cyberv1k1n9 on

      I concur, I’m from the french Riviera and most of our villas are tiny, it sucks…

    15. infowosecfurry on

      Honestly I wouldn’t correct him. I’m positive Europe is fine with the misconception, if it means him not coming to visit.

    16. VERTER_Music on

      You gotta love that the only way they perceive progress is through chains and junk food lmao

    17. I don’t know what they are talking about. Just yesterday I bought half a kilo of internet at my artisanal partisserie, during the hour of electricity we‘re allotted per day.

    18. The majority of the people that think Europe sucks, typically have not set foot outside the US. I spent some time in Ireland earlier this year and it was so amazing. Walking the majority of the time gave more energy.

      One of the things I hate so much about the area I live in is that everything is so far apart that you have to drive everywhere.

    19. In Portugal we still have dinosaurs… And we live in caves. ( It’s a lie that primates didn’t meet dinosaurs, no need to come here and check)…

    20. I’m dying to hear his takes on Asia if he thinks Europe is like that 💀

    21. I write this from a phone I got from a tourist. In England we are all still in medieval times, we speak olde English so this is all being Google translated. We have knights and the occasional dragon attack but if you enjoy ales and the main public transport being horses, it’s great. Uber pigeon works well with delivery pigeons bringing the daily news and the daily beheading schedule. Don’t bring anything too high tech or you might get burned at the stake as well.
      Hope to see you in England!!

    22. It’s like stepping back in time 30 years……..

      This speaks someone who hasn’t ventured out of the backwards crap hole they were born in.

      A working public transit system in the cities. Contactless payments. No shitty chain brands. A living wage (or better than the US and their making wait staff beg for a living).

    23. Frequent-Living4428 on

      “No holiday in I can stay at next to a McDonald’s where I can cram 6 cheeseburgers into my gut”

    24. Myredditname423 on

      I never realized you can generalize what living in an entire continent is like.

    25. Correct. We don’t have chains here in Europe, we’re still using ropes. And we don’t need food, we’re using photosynthesis!

    26. Banaanisade on

      It’s true. I’m writing this comment with my quill on a parchment scroll before tying it up to a pigeon, marked with a ring on its leg that has the Reddit colours, to send to Murica for the Reddit HQ to post online. I have a campfire in my kitchen hole where I just made “coffee” out of local roots, and used milk from the cow that sleeps on the same hay with me at night.

    27. Lazy-Floridian on

      That’s a lot of writing just to say, “I’ve never been to Europe”.

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