We would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for those meddling voters!

    by BestStoogewasLarry


    1. ObeyMyStrapOn on

      Apparently you can’t trust rich people to do the right thing. 🤷🏽

    2. Candle-Jolly on

      So many memes lately have been showing it: it’s always everyone else’s fault but Democrats. They’re as stuck up as Republicans are hard-headed.

    3. Revelati123 on

      Unpopular opinion.

      The media just gives Americans what they already want, it is a reflection of our own culture, and what our culture fetishizes is money, war, and scandal.

      Blaming CNN, et all. Is like blaming a shark for eating fish.

      You want to really make a difference? Its going to take generations of education reform, a reduction of wealth inequality, government accountability and reform, and a ground up reworking of the fundamental principles of the current social contract.

      Is America up for it? Who knows?

      Should we keep trying? Absolutely…

    4. kittenTakeover on

      Information on social media is much less reliable. Despite some flaws there’s a lot of reliable content that comes out of these groups.

    5. IandouglasB on

      Somewhere wayyy at the top of these organizations are a group of investors that have ownership on both sides of the political infotainment spectrum. Play both ends against the middle and profit both ways.

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