My flashlight has modes that range from 40 days to only 2.6 minutes of battery life.

    by eppinizer


    1. EfficientHighway1102 on

      16.000 lumens is also really a lot! that is too bright to use in most normal scenarios.

      do you have a link for that flashlight? for science purposes….

    2. timelesssmidgen on

      Wish they included power draw in that table. Wonder how many watts it takes for turbo mode!

    3. eco – for when you need to get to the outhouse

      turbo – in case you encounter Shelob on your way there

    4. On my flashlight with turbo, you can hold your hand in the beam and instantly feel it warming up. No idea what it would actually be useful for

    5. TheEpicDudeguyman on

      IP68 and bright enough to take down an Elder God. I’ll take 4

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