
    by EUR0PA_TheLastBattle


    1. guesswhatihate on

      The fact that this doesn’t even need to be a meme  for this to be funny speaks volumes

    2. Kono_DIO_Dank on

      But I thought Neonazis say that Italians are mixed with POC and “inferior”. Why would he marry someone who is “inferior” according to them? Is twitter stupid?

    3. Argh_farts_ on

      Is Aryan, marries an Italian and moves to Japan

      This guy is basically Hitler

    4. kennystillalive on

      I think that person is still hung up that pewds did make antisemetic posts / including nazi imagery and did not move on or just wants to farm engagement.

    5. uhohstinky45453453 on

      Pro trans and pro communism, what can you expect of such a person

    6. Me when I say something extremely weird and provide no context nor explanation:

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