Creepy 101.

    by depressedsinnerxiii


    1. So you want a child, with no life experience to raise a child? Maybe go out the back of wherever you are. Contemplate life. And knock your uneducated ass the fuck out. Please. With respect. Goodnight you total piece of shit.

    2. legendary_millbilly on

      Just reading that made me feel like I need to shower for a long time.

    3. CalliopePenelope on

      From WHO: “Adolescent mothers (aged 10–19 years) face higher risks of eclampsia, puerperal endometritis and systemic infections than women aged 20–24 years, and babies of adolescent mothers face higher risks of low birth weight, preterm birth and severe neonatal condition.”

      But hey, what’s a little dying during childbirth when you can live a depression-free life? 👍🏻👍🏻

    4. You feel depressed? Did you pray hard enough my child? Any wicked thoughts you might want to confess? Hmmm? You know that its a sin if you dont make your husband happy, right? You feel better now? I thought so.

    5. theworldisonfire8377 on

      Yes of course, marrying off a teenager and forcing them to have children whether they want to or not is a sure fire way to avoid depression…. /s

    6. Less-Dragonfruit-294 on

      People like this should NEVER be allowed to continue their lineage

    7. RiffyWammel on

      Fairly sure a significant number of the kids abused by the pedo priest brigade are rather fucking depressed at both the abuse and the shitty reaction from the church about it

    8. Large_Field_562 on

      Birthing kids as a teen doesn’t seem like it would prevent rapid aging.

    9. dravenonred on

      Does ..does he think Catholic theocracies haven’t been tried before?

      There was *a lot* of depression.

    10. your bones are most elastic at birth. at 16 they’ve been hardened for a while now

    11. GoldenGirlsFan213 on

      This isn’t even Catholic

      This is perverted fantasy from some loser

    12. YesterdayDreamer on

      There’s a very simple solution for curing depression.

      Don’t recognize depression as a medical condition.

      Not recognizing a problem exists is the fastest way to solve any problem and favorite problem solving method of politicians and conservatives.

    13. Sensitive-Theory-365 on

      I did have a baby at 16. It wasn’t less painful but I did recover quicker. I adapted quicker because I believe it’s easier to adapt when younger. I don’t regret having my son at all, in fact I truely believe he saved my life and gave me purpose.
      Was I happy? No. I love my son intensely but it was a struggle. I finished school and worked. Surprise, surprise the relationship with my son’s father didn’t work (should have ended much sooner but I was stubborn and would have rather died miserable than admit I was wrong).
      Having children later in life was definitely harder physically but a different ball game with a supportive partner and being financial and emotionally stable (mostly).

    14. This guy’s in for a rude awakening when a different branch of Christianity takes over, and has opinions on Catholics, haha.

    15. StrandedinTimeFall on

      We had catholic theocracies for centuries. Look how that shit turned out. Schisms, crusades, inquisitions, and protestantism. Pretty sure these led to depression, PTSD, and more.

      Then as far as sex and marriage go, there’s political marriages, abortions in back alleys, date rape, marital rape, and rampant molestation. Pretty sure these led to depression, PTSD, and more.

      Try again, ass hat.

    16. Professional-Arm5300 on

      Brought to you by the same folks who are convinced every left leaning person is a pedophile

    17. I don’t care what nature intends.

      Consent is infinitely more important than what “nature” wants.

    18. Protect girls and women. Do it like it is a sacred honor. Stop this violence coming from these limited males and their submissives. All of us must put these people in check.

    19. The_Blue_Muffin_Cat on

      Correction. Her body is **preparing** to foster a child. It by no means she is ready or should.

    20. As a catholic, I just want to say that these freaks do not represent us. For some reason within online trad-conservative ecospheres being catholic is somewhat cool out of the sudden. But these people have 0 understanding of catholicism.

    21. JohnnyG_253 on

      Obviously this entire post is wild. But the leap from proper child bearing age to the promise of no depression brought to you Catholicism is so wild.

    22. vulpinefever on

      “In a catholic theocracy, depression would not exist.”

      Wow you should tell this to my grandmother who grew up in pre-quiet revolution Quebec because according to her, it was awful.

    23. Minute-Spinach-5563 on

      You didnt have to block the name. We all know Matt Walsh said this

    24. Oldkingcole225 on

      It always kills me how these theocrats have clearly never read history or even read their own literature.

      We’ve had Theocracies before. The people were really depressed

    25. letterstosnapdragon on

      If only we had some example of a Catholic theocracy in action. Like some time period when the Pope had massive political power over a whole continent or something.

    26. Oh buddy, coming from a family full of Catholics let me assure you that depression and alcoholism are par for the course.

    27. Stunning_Season_6370 on

      Okay. But I’m a (cis) guy and depressed. How do I give birth to finally achieve peak mental health?

    28. ShawnyMcKnight on

      Ah yes… kids keep you from aging rapidly.

      Tell me you don’t have kids without telling me you don’t have kids… or at least that you aren’t active in their lives.

    29. Disastrous-Panda5530 on

      Kids actually make you age faster. I have two lol. The idea that having kids keep you from aging is ridiculous and this guy should have his devices checked. And also 16 is too young and actually have more risks of complications then a woman in her 20s. This guy just wants to creep on a minor

    30. ButtonDifferent3528 on

      In a catholic theocracy, masturbation would be illegal.

      Let that sink in for a minute.

    31. magic_man_mountain on

      Catholics fighting back against the perception that they just want to fuck little boys.

    32. Delicious_Spinach440 on

      I was elastigirl and nobody told me! Damn.

      Seriously, just because women were forced to hide their depression doesn’t mean it didn’t exist. Oh right, he doesn’t care about that, he just doesn’t want to hear it.

      If no one talks about it, it doesn’t exist.

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