The title.

    by hnlyoloswag


    1. this election is an experiment to see if they can win an election on nothing other than vote-shaming, a real commitment to the vote-shaming strategy, and since then there’s been a genocide and a dementia reveal and nothing has changed on that front. The party of democracy is so fucking all-in on giving people no reason to vote for them and demanding they do it anyway.

    2. Playful-Tumbleweed10 on

      As long as it’s not illegal, Biden should do the right thing and take action on a whole shitload of things, including this.

    3. veryblanduser on

      Because the president having immunity from being charged is not the same as everything the president doing becoming legal.

    4. Scaryclouds on

      Well the ruling was that POTUS can’t be held criminally liable for an official action. Doesn’t mean a program, especially a program that would benefit normal people wouldn’t still be found unconstitutional, especially by this court. 

    5. Rosaadriana on

      He has forgiven a boat load of student debt already. The righties are big mad about too. Please keep up.

    6. He tried that and it got challenged by some people and it wen to SCOTUS who ruled it as unconstitutional.

      You’re under the impression that they play fair and by sticking to precedent. They didn’t when they replaced RBG so quickly that close to an election. They won’t on this either.

    7. The military is specifically part of the President’s official duties.

      Mandatory conscription for all people with student loans and health care debt > Presidential order to remove all debt > presidential order to honourably discharge all people conscripted.

      Takes a few minutes.

    8. Candle-Jolly on

      Because Democrats don’t do anything. It’s why Republicans call the party “Do-nothing Democrats.” 
      But to be fair, there are people who have gotten some or even all of their loans taken care of. 

    9. The Supreme Court rules on laws, if Dems get majorities that can be counted on (there have been conservative Dems voting against progressive agendas) then true change can happen. Voting a Dem President without House and Senate backing makes true change almost unreachable. I have been amazed Biden got so many things through without having the House or Senate. I think that success speaks to his years of being in the Senate and his relationships he has built.

    10. FluffyPancakeLover on

      First, he’s already forgiven billions of dollars in student loans, like he promised.

      Second, the money isn’t in his personal account. He’s not the one actually transferring the funds.

      He still has to work through other governmental agencies to get the money released.

      Third, this is the political humor subredddit, this is not the place to ask your dumbass political questions.

    11. The irony here is: the current version of Dave Chapelle welcomes the SCOTUS opinion cuz…trans. He’s also not a true fan of all his fellow Americans,

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