“Science is a pagan faith”

    by PupperPocalypse


    1. Calm-Homework3161 on

      Faith – belief without proof. 

      Science  – belief with proof. 

    2. Christmas was stolen from the Pagans, Easter was stolen from the Pagans….guess anything that was once Pagan will have to be given up then?

    3. CharacterAstronaut14 on

      She seems to be enjoying all those pagan science things like electricity,clean water,the internet and so on,fucking God bothering hypocrite

    4. TherealObdach on

      Good luck with production and living without science… back to the stone age

    5. Last I checked faith indicates beliefs, and science only deals in cold hard facts, and has no issues removing theories as soon as they are proven false.

    6. Less-Dragonfruit-294 on

      We have gone full Magellan huh? Traveled the globe expressing the wonder of technology and science only for the current society to declare it Hersey. Or this is just the dark age of man from 40k. Can’t tell.

    7. Critical_Liz on

      She was also complaining about Hitler’s bad press earlier this week, after months of silence. SOMEBODY needs money.

    8. I am not a flat earther nor a globe earther. I believe we live in a butthole.

    9. RacheltheTarotCat on

      Allow me to translate: “I will declare to the entire world that I’m a stupid tool for clicks.”

    10. Actual-Implement-870 on

      Nutjob is the new normal. It won’t be long until we’re living in the movie “Idiocracy.”

    11. I’m not a round earther or flat earther, either. I’m an oblate spheroid earther.

    12. I will never understand why people follow the likes of Steve Bannon, Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro
      Alex Jones and Candace Owens….and Trump of course, the worst of the whole lot. WTF?

    13. This bitch will drive straight to the hospital if she’s ever in a life threatening situation.

    14. Denouncing science over the internet, sitting in front of a computer, under electric lights, with a vacuum insulated water bottle is some next level ignorance.

    15. cutmasta_kun on

      Owens: *Welp, here goes nothing* Science is wrong about every single thing.

    16. BadChris666 on

      Don’t think for a minute that most of these people believe the shit they pump out to their followers.

      They are selling fear and extremism as a tool of control.

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