The Fourth Estate should be condemned

    by ExactlySorta


    1. MeetTheGrimets on

      The fourth estate is captured by capitalists. Their main objective is to make money, it is not to hold those in power accountable. The objectives of our media the the fourth estate are not compatible.

    2. Most people who talk about not voting or other apathetic messages have an agenda, I’m pretty sure

    3. The editor in chief at the NYT has made it pretty obvious he’s upset at Biden for not providing them an exclusive interview, which is why he feels no shame running blatant liars and Republicans misrepresenting themselves in the op-ed section.

      Sulz doesn’t care about news, journalism, or democracy.

    4. ” hey there fellow left wing, young people, I think not going out in November, not voting for biden is a really cool thing to do , skibidi rizz amiright?!”

    5. Islandgirl1444 on

      He isn’t a writer either. Shirt, tie, vest, jacket, Hitler hairstyle. Even to the mustache. Is he real?

    6. IvanTheAppealing on

      Ah, so it is just a big psyop by the far right to try and discourage voting

    7. DaWankinator on

      I sincerely hope any level-headed person who still has a subscription to NYT is cancelling it post ha(s)te.

    8. The Jehovah’s Witnesses didn’t vote either. And all they got was a purple triangle when they were sent to camps. 

    9. ClockworkDreamz on

      I thought he was the guy from umbrella academy and that serial killer Netflix show.

    10. digitalred93 on

      Russian/Republican propaganda machine wrapped around some word puzzles.

    11. traceitalian on

      I’ll never forgive Trey Parker and Matt Stone for the Douche Versus Turd episode of South Park. The enlightened centrists and everyone who thinks they’re far smarter and intellectual than everyone around them quoted that episode endlessly in 2016.

    12. pine-cone-sundae on

      So this appalling little nazi is just trying to fool people into not voting so the election goes to the nutjobs who ALWAYS vote.

    13. Due-Designer4078 on

      Walther is a right-wing Trump fanboy. He knows the only way Trump stands a chance of winning is if Democrats stay home.

    14. Consistent-Leek4986 on

      I quit the NYT after 50+ years. the press was important to the founding fathers to inform about and protect freedom.
      corporate media is a main factor in ruining our democracy. pathetic, shameful, corruption.

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