Don’t take my word for it, read the documents.

    by RaiseRuntimeError


    1. As a never trUmp voter, reading this just means that I will have more reasons to not vote for TFG I’m not going to vote for, so…

    2. Playful-Tumbleweed10 on

      I think everyone who sees the real Trump has known this was likely for quite some time now. I mean, the guy had notoriously and repeatedly paraded himself through the Miss Teen USA dressing room unannounced to see the underaged girls in various stages of undress.

      He is both a pedophile and a rapist, and it’s disgusting that ANYONE would choose him to be president under ANY circumstances- even if he was running against a corpse (which he basically is). How is 40+ percent of the American public standing behind someone so clearly nefarious and vile?

    3. Ragnarok_ZER0 on

      The problem with this is that, because the girl was basically scared into withdrawing her case, MAGA will not only see this as proof that Trump was innocent, but also see it as proof that “the left is just trying to smear him and take him down even if they have to lie and cheat!”

      If anything, his supporters will be even more fervently behind him because of this, which is fucking disgusting.

    4. They won’t even know about it. I read this lawsuit during the 2016 election cycle and the media ignored it then. They love Trump. We are sooooo fucked.

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