Here’s a book, learn to read

    by Kitty__Kisser


    1. Fluid-Appointment277 on

      It’s pretty funny that those who are most adamant about homeschooling are always the least fit to teach anyone anything.

    2. J_Robert_Matthewson on

      Sweet Christ.  That kid would’ve be better if being raised by wolves.  Hell, they’d probably be better off being raised by dead possums.

    3. captainaberica on

      Ok… but how did the parent learn to read? I doubt they taught themselves, so why would their kid be any different?

    4. Constant_Cultural on

      Did she think the kid stands up for the first time and asks for a book to read?

    5. stayawayfromme on

      This theory was tested centuries ago… Dude put a bunch of babies in isolation to learn what “natural language” they would eventually speak… they all died…

    6. My child, who I have never taught to read, cannot read…. is it something I did wrong….?

      No it must be my child’s fault for not learning what was never taught.

      That’s a peak entitled parent right there.

    7. Mysterious_Beyond_74 on

      I’m going to say thinks the earth is flat , vaccines are the devil and Passports are for communists

    8. Eagle_Pancake on

      For what it’s worth, my wife is an elementary school teacher and you’d be surprised how many kids who have gone to school still can barely read.

    9. pilatesforpirates on

      From someone who’s baby mama did this to their kid: fuck you. I only wish I’d taken her to court sooner. She didn’t even attempt to help me with the fallout of her shitty decisions, and we haven’t even really seen her for the last 6 years while I’ve worked full time, brought up two boys, dealt with their ADD, depression, anxiety, boundary issues etc, etc, etc… Maybe she thought they would magically parent themselves too? I honestly don’t know, but we’re doing good now, and I’m so glad I don’t have to even deal with her narcissistic ass any more. Fucking educate your kids, it’s one of the best things you can do for them. This is the fucking 21st century, not the dark ages.

    10. gamingchairheater on

      Home”schooling” is the best way to make sure your kid will be a dumb fuck for possibly his entire life.

    11. How did you learn to read? Upon arriving at that answer I suggest you have your child learn the same way.

    12. Homeschooling needs regulation. Some do a good job but there are also those who homeschool to keep kids away from mandatory reporters.

    13. Reminds me of the Simpsons quote

      # We home school ’em. I teach the big ones, and the big ones teach the little ones, but nobody taught me, so the whole thing is an exercise in futility.

    14. Tart-Pomgranate5743 on

      “Please give me some anecdotal evidence that I did not screw up in raising another human being because of my ego…”

    15. dancegoddess1971 on

      The only way a child would “organically” learn to read would be if a parent is constantly reading to them and allowing them to watch the page. My oldest knew a couple of words by sight when he started PreK because this was a thing I did. Nothing big, could recognize less than a dozen words(including cake, unfortunately, lol) but we read every day starting during nursing. Yes, I read children’s books aloud while breastfeeding. I suspect Miss “I thought children just learned stuff they have no experience with” doesn’t read much. Writing requires practice and neither of my kids are very good at it. Both read and type with excellent proficiency but manually making the marks readable to others is a different matter altogether.

    16. tarahunterdar on

      So many parents try and home school their kids early on and botch it. Then they send those kids to public schools to fix. The schools can improve their skills sets to some degree, but there are always deficits.

      There is ample research to show there is a window where literacy foundational skills must be learned or there will be lifetime consequences. Think about this when you hear about adult illiteracy rates, and how ballot questions or legislative bills are written. Its a form of gating.

      Plenty of adults are limited and *don’t understand* they are limited in accessing these things.

    17. Please dont breed. Give up your child to someone else if you just magically think theyll learn things.

    18. Project_Rees on

      I honestly think that in order to homeschool a child then the parents must be tested as able to accomplish this.
      Not teaching children the basics of human civilisation such as reading is deplorable.

      Teachers and schools are constantly being inspected, tested and trained, which is a good thing. Not teaching them and expecting them to learn organically by themselves is child abuse. They will have a hard life because of what you chose.

      What happened to parents wanting their children to have the best opportunities and excel further than they have?

      This situation actually makes me angry.

    19. von_klauzewitz on

      i want to see the anecdotes from the rest of the unschool dipshits to support this.

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