I hope everyone here has a peaceful, happy weekend 🥰

    by HeiressOfMadrigal


    1. ExcusePerfect2168 on

      Didn’t Trump sleep in until 10-11am every day? It’s easy to “burn the midnight oil” if you sleep in the next day.

    2. Various-Catch-113 on

      I get being tired early. Hell, I go to bed before 10 most nights, but I get up really early. Wonder whose day is most productive? The person getting up at 4:30 or the person getting up at 10-11am?

    3. stillbleedinggreen on

      I’d love to be able to go to bed early, but I have young kids and stuff can’t get done unless I stay up late after they are in bed. But that’s just me worrying about my family. Biden has an entire country to worry about.

    4. Happy-Skill-7968 on

      Can we stop using “dog” as a slur? Dogs are amazing and humans are trash.

    5. Oh my god he will only work till 8pm?! I’m sure the millions of young 9-5 workers will be horrified at his lack of energy….

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