Also Jay is 54 years olds what other activities would yall expect someone his age to be doing

    by No-Vanilla-3915


    1. purple_legion on

      *Celebrities breathes*

      Some random on twitter: 😂🤣😂🤣😆

    2. LebHeadSinceWilma on

      When they didn’t choose the $500K, so you got another dinner to walk off.

    3. NMB4Christmas on

      I’m 54 and the number of people I know who don’t do anything more physical than walking to the fridge is ridiculous.

    4. The amount of people who would benefit from having a male role model regularly go for walks is huge

    5. The jokes are just a distraction from the realization that they will likely never have the time to join a club that only exists for walking and socializing. The issue is that there’s enough wealth for everyone to have the time to have a social group just for walking, but we can’t have nice things.

    6. Oh no, he’s living a healthy lifestyle… 🫨

      How many of the hip hop community have gone too soon because of health issues. Let the man walk.


    7. Nothing wrong with a walking club, but he could be playing tennis, golf, hoops.

      He’s 54, not 94.

    8. They expect him to still be drinking and partying like Baby or some shit.

      That man has seen too many of his industry peers pass away – I bet this ain’t the only thing he is doing to stay fit and healthy.

    9. Acceptable_Mountain5 on

      The fact that there are people shaming Jay-Z for exercising and not shaming him for hoarding hundreds of millions of dollars says a lot about our where we our society is headed.

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