Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

    by Arietty000


    1. “You want my gun, you’ll have to take it from my cold, dead waistband.”

    2. Financial_Truck_3814 on

      By banning weapons from hospitals US can actually reduce gun related deaths.

    3. This would NEVER have happened if all the Doctors and Nurses also had guns!!! Can’t you see? We need MORE guns to protect us from the guns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. FreeRemove1 on

      Hear me out – MRI machines at every school, cinema, and concert venue…

    5. Old-Law-7395 on

      It’s incredible that someone can attend high school do well, go to college and succeed in becoming a lawyer, yet still be as dumb as fucking dogshit

    6. MariosItaliansausage on

      Would a gun shot to the stomach be fatal that quickly? I mean the dude was inside a hospital when it happened, If your gonna survive something like that, it seems the ideal circumstances.

    7. Lifesalchemy on

      Died doing what he loved. Having a gigantic magnet smoke his ass with his own gun.

    8. fothergillfuckup on

      Why would you still let him in with a firearm! Just refuse the operation until he stops behaving like a child?

    9. Neither_Ad_2960 on

      I must be an awful person for bursting out laughing after reading that.

      Why the fuck are you bringing a gun to a hospital anyway?

    10. RatedRSuperstar81 on

      Since guns don’t kill people, people kill people, I guess this guy committed suicide? 🤷‍♂️

    11. If the MRI was allowed to practice it’s 2nd amendment rights this wouldn’t have happened.

    12. Looks like our society is a little bit better with one less republican and ammosexual.

    13. Pretend-Nebula-7175 on

      All I see is a MRI machine violating his rights to bear arms. #MAKEMRIILLEGAL

    14. Constant-Recipe-9850 on

      Why would they let him into the MRI room if he failed to remove it from the waistband?

    15. TeddyRoo_v_Gods on

      This guy is immortalized in the Darwin Awards hall of fame. It happened over a year ago and we are still talking about him.

    16. I just feel sorry for his mother and hospital staff they have to witness that

    17. lil_jon_0002 on

      Thank god someone posted an actual facepalm in This sub. I thought this was just a place for political tweet screenshots now

    18. grassclibbinz on

      Died from a gunshot while in a hospital and MF out here getting shot multiple times worse in the sticks and and still making it, what a bozo!

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