Is anyone shocked?

    by PupperPocalypse


    1. Economy_Cat_3527 on

      What’s with the floating dais? He looks like he’s holding it up. lol ‘Breaking news! Putin performs levitating magic trick’.

    2. Civil-Dinner on

      As bad as Trump would be for America, he’ll be just as bad for many other places in the world.

      Ukraine would be screwed over and it’ll send a signal to the rest of NATO that they are on their own and can’t depend on the US as an ally.

      Of course, it wouldn’t shock me that China takes that as a signal that they’ll face only the most cosmetic of resistance from the US should they want to take Taiwan. They probably will take the opportunity provided.

      After that, it will be decades before anyone trusts the word of our country again.

    3. Right after Trumps plane was parked next to a Russian jet for two days. Not even subtle.

    4. The amount of MAGA “pacifists” on Twitter is ridiculous. Somehow, this war is Biden’s fault and not the guy who decided to invade another sovereign country.

    5. Trump would be the total international American sellout. Among so many other horrible things

    6. naked_as_a_jaybird on

      Read *Winter is Coming* and see how prescient the 13th world chess champion was about everything back in 2015.

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