She thought it was

    by SweetyGirlyy


    1. TheBirminghamBear on

      Frankly I hate corpo speak with each and every fiber of my entire being, so if I heard a woman toss around “bukkake” on a zoom meeting, like, “God damnit we just got a bukkaked amount of work from the assholes in corporate” or something to that effect, she’s probably my new favorite person at the office because of that.

      Like, I feel like you are someone who already knows what bukkake means, you will probably find it hillarious if a coworker says it.

      And if you don’t know what it means, then there’s not really any harm.

    2. Marshmallowlolfurry on

      I just googled it and oh, oh lord, that poor woman, I think I’d just shrivel up into a ball

    3. Shadowtheuncreative on

      OOH MY GOD! Don’t use words you don’t know the meanings of, kids!

    4. congmingdexigua on

      To be fair, when I was a teen we would youse bukake as bullshit… “What kind of bukake is this here? Can we eat something real?”

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