Someone has been using my VPN and asked for the new pass / to follow me on instagram

    by shovelstatue


    1. shovelstatue on

      Can’t even be mad to be honest, kind of impressed at how bold he was to ask.

    2. Agile-Lie5848 on

      Wait so you got hacked and they put your account up on a website for people to use? If you’re not paying for it anymore what’s the point of using your account

    3. Kvas_HardBass on

      I once received an email from myself with my password and a proposition to change it and log out everywhere. Thank you mysterious friendly hacker.

    4. usxgvoeyknoejpfqvz on

      Ironic that this wasn’t flagged to you at all by the product that claims to provide a more private and secure internet.

    5. the guy has some balls to ask you for the new password, funny how hw thinks there is nothing wrong with it, the type of guy that thinks the world revolves around him

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