Picked this up from blatantmisogyny. This is a tweet from a certain conservative blogger. He said that…he actually said this….and now look at the reacts…

    by CapAccomplished8072


    1. CrispyTacoPosso on

      see, the thing that confuses me is that you like, stepped in shit, and decided to show us how gross your shoe is.

    2. Mother_Abrocoma9517 on

      Whats the brought back H2O about? Did water skip out of the us or what

    3. CrotasScrota84 on

      Isn’t this the guy who on his channel he got caught jerking off to Gay Porn?

    4. TheBirminghamBear on

      NYT: This is our ninety-seventh day of writing a front page article about Joe Biden’s age, which is 81. The square root of 81 is 9, and if you flip 9 around its 6, and if you have three of those its 666, and that just doesn’t seem like a coincidence to *this* op-ed team.

    5. Is the H2O about the water pressure? He certainly talked a lot about that.

      And what two championships does he mean? How is Trump responsible for these?

    6. I_Only_Follow_Idiots on

      What did you expect? It’s a cult of bullies and assholes. The best thing we can do is simply focus on making the world a better place, which pisses them off.

    7. Nevyn_Cares on

      WTF – I doubt tRump has ever actually won a real club championship and I would bet that Biden has had a better handicap that the grifter and liar in ex-chief.

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