How I talk to scammers

    by banditlord141


    1. savedbytheblood72 on

      The ones on LinkedIn that send super sexy pics
      .. and then need your WhatsApp for a amazing business deal they have …

    2. poorlydrawnmemes on

      FYI, if you reply to scammers you are confirming the number is legit and they’ll just sell your info to other scammers. Just ignore/block.

    3. No no no. You’re supposed to delete and report as spam. Because we all know that’s doing the job and we’ll be done with scammers any day now. ^/s

    4. tharoadtrip on

      I normally just tell them I am g.ay and they shut up. Their honeytrap becomes useless at that point.

      Just this hour I encountered one here. Hola if you want me to name her. Of course I get the obligatory sexy pic, then asking what I do for work (hustler I said). I ask for a video call instead of sending a pic (which I don’t have)…them comes the “buy my OF” 🫤🫤. Shocker I left it on unread!

    5. I always tell them I have my lawyer on my other line tracing your call as we speak. They hang up so fast.

    6. flyingbbanana on

      Damn thats very straightforward. Buy me dinner first at least before asking me for money

    7. bjohn15151515 on

      Mine is shorter:

      Them (from unknown number): Hi, it’s Chastity! Remember me?

      Me: Blocked! (Then I block the number from any future contact)

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