Which of you has the courage to admit that the Founding Fathers talking points were barely relevant/connected to reality on their best day?

    by randomusername1934


    1. lifasannrottivaetr on

      How dare those beastly Americans build a continental empire with logic?

    2. With this much hate, it’s almost like the Brits celebrate with us each year.

    3. The Native Americans were the true losers of the American Revolutionary war.

    4. sombertownDS on




      chucks nuclear football

    5. CuckAdminsDetected on

      Im sorry I couldnt hear you over the most powerful Navy in the world. Hows it feel to lose the waves to a former colony?

    6. Mountain-Cycle5656 on

      To your title, that’s blatantly a lie.

      To the picture, you don’t have to sell me on it.

    7. Your argument is that Parliament WASN’T attacking and ignoring the rights of the colonists? We would also need to ignore one of their arguments at the time was “we are ignoring the rights of people here in Britain too”.

    8. A list of Independence Day truths:

      * Lots of the people revolting were based as hell.

      * A lot were bigger pieces of shit than the Bri*ish.

      * The Declaration of Independence was a pretty damn good document.

      * Jefferson was a hypocrital slaver, and all around piece of shit.

    9. InnocentPerv93 on

      The founding fathers were a diverse group and had diverse beliefs and opinions. Which is what you want in a democratic Republic. And no, they were not all “rich landowners”, the country didn’t start as a country by the rich for the rich, or any of that other revisionist propaganda garbage

    10. TheWeirdWoods on

      You are right America is the finest collection of rejects and rich men from around the globe. Who all came here for various reasons from religion to not paying taxes.

      Who finally banded together under a relatively simple concept of cognitive dissonance.

      All men are equal! As we write up the three fifths compromise.

      We believe in democracy! As we overthrew them around the world.

      And right now we claim to believe in the rule of law while a convicted criminal runs for our highest office.

      Happy Treason day you ungrateful aristocrats, bastards, Christians, destitute , evangelicals, and forsaken.

      I love most of you. And like most of you half as well as you deserve. Let’s watch some fireworks like the dysfunctional family we are.

    11. Unlikely_Tea_6979 on

      Gross, I hate the founding fathers, why are you making them sound based?

    12. LineOfInquiry on

      Thomas Paine’s talking points were very connected to reality and super based though, he’s the real OG

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