No more vampire problems!

    by nomoreholidays


    1. Big_Refrigerator336 on

      “On this episode of mythbusters, Adam and Jammie try to get aids by drinking blood of famous aids patient, magic johnson!!”

    2. There was an episode of Forever Knight about this that I saw thirty years ago but I don’t remember what happened 

    3. rjbauer4985 on

      I’m sure there’s a whole lot of vampire/twilight fan-fic writers that are very cross with you for this.

    4. Pythagoras180 on

      No. The only way to get infected through the mouth is a wound, but vampires instantly heal most injuries.

    5. Dr_Mantis_Aslume on

      Yes, that’s why Vampires have always hated Reagan (as well as his hate for the LGBT/Bi community)

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