Pretty late

    by Haselay_


    1. Own_Skirt7889 on

      Russia didn’t changed anything except the name.

      It was now more like actual slavery with extra steps

    2. The Ottomans kept slavery until the end but decriminalised homosrxuality in 1857

      I have no joke, it is just a weird information

    3. Sonof_Gax20X on

      Spain, who abolished slavery (Western Indias slaves only tho) in the 15th century:

    4. Psychological_Gain20 on

      Most of Europe still kept slavery on paper but not in name. And the ones that totally abolished it really only happened because they lost colonies where it was profitable for them;

      For example, Britain’s plantations in the Caribbeans didn’t just stop when slavery ended, they just brought over indentured servants from India, and still worked them to near death because it would still make a profit.

      That’s why countries like Guyana have such large Hindu populations.

      This doesn’t excuse America at all, and banning it on paper is still better than just not banning it. But Europe wasn’t exactly banning slavery purely out of the good will in their heart.

    5. The_pipinho on

      Well… Portugal abolished slavery in 1761 in its European territory and 1869 in its African colonies…

    6. Slavery is still legal in the US, but only as punishment for a crime. But that’s a big loophole if you want to reintroduce slavery by the backdoor.

    7. Considering how many countries still practice slavery we were pretty timely in the grand scheme of things.

    8. *most* is doing a lot of work there. Europeans really like to flex and be like to Denmark abolished slavery in 1803. With a very ‘Europe is so progressive and better than America attitude.

      But they never want to acknowledge that ‘Europe’ isn’t a country. Belgium let slavery keep going in the congo until 1908 and the British let slavery keep going until the 1920s in Bermuda. It puts a big old stain on your ‘we abolished slavery before you’ credibility, if you kept it legal in all the countries you own becouse its more profitable.

    9. DonnieMoistX on

      Slavery was an issue left to the individual states for a very long time, and many American states outlawed slavery king before most of Europe did. Many of them outlawing slavery as soon as or shortly after they gained their independence from Britain.

      So I guess if you’re wanting to make it a competition for some reason, American states still win.

    10. Belkan-Federation95 on

      OP has never heard of India when it was part of the British Empire

    11. Europe outlawed slavery but we’re still fine to purchase resources harvested with slave labor. “Best of both worlds”— you get the material benefits of slavery with all the moral snootiness of having abolished it in your country.

      It’s not like England was going to grow its own cotton or sugarcane anyways. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that slavery was first abolished in places where there were fewer economic consequences for doing so.

    12. Classic_Result on

      A core part of the founding American heartland was a source of cash crops on the fringe of a global empire. It’s easy to abolish in your home territory what you continue, out of sight, in your distant colonies. America had to deal with slavery as a core national issue and not just some far off extension they could let go of.

    13. I mean, the timing isn’t a big deal.

      Having a civil war to bring it back is, though.

    14. I don’t get how this meme applies to US slavery, the Southern states are still resentful and defensive over the Civil War and Americans as a whole are still pretty uncomfortable talking about how long we let it last or discussing reparations.

    15. First of all, that’s not niche you reposting troglodyte.

      Second of all, American pride in the Civil War isn’t from how “early” we ended slavery rather it fitted the national image of Americans fighting for the freedom of others (“But what about [country we invaded]” I’m not saying it isn’t hypocritical just what principles the nation emphasized in nation-building) . This is also why WWII is as heavily emphasized in American media.

    16. Ham_Drengen_Der on

      *russia oficially abolishes serfdom*

      *lowkey keeps doing it anyways*

      Like a boss!

    17. East-Plankton-3877 on

      It’s almost like we had a war on trying to see it passed or somthing…

    18. oh_three_dum_dum on

      > 50 years earlier*

      *Except in multiple colonies outside of Europe, before and after the American Civil War.

      Fixed it for you.

    19. Well Russia abolished selfdom sure, but that didn’t really change the working conditions

    20. Repulsive-Drawing968 on

      We undid hundreds of years of Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Dutch slavery, in less than a century after independence. I’d say the US are the winners here. It was entrenched thanks to the Europeans. There’s a reason we had to fight a war over this.

    21. A_Texan_Coke_Addict on

      Never mind that Europe brought their slaves here in the first place and had been using slaves for centuries more than we had

    22. I have never heard an American say that they´re proud of when they abolished slavery though.

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