The North Remembers

    by Da-Donkey69


    1. Who’s worse them or the ones that pretend they never did it in the first place? Cus I seen a lot of more the latter tbh.

    2. VictoryChessecake on

      I remember when they were flooding every comment section on every sub during Covid.

    3. VapidRapidRabbit on

      LMAO. I remember.

      People really had every crevice of their bodies on display, but are now talking about people with BBLs wearing revealing clothing.

    4. scottie2haute on

      People’s morals and ideals change based on whats most convenient. Ive seen bigger people rage about smaller people dressing skimpy, only to start dressing skimpy once they lost the weight. Ive seen people call others all types of hoes and sluts before going on through their “hoe phase”. People shit on working for the “man” until they get that job offer that pays them a ton. Etc.

      Ofcourse people have the right to change their stances and opinions, it would just help if people didnt go so damn hard with the shit talking.

      In the end, we all kinda got loose morals. Idc how much yall try to convince yourselves that youre above it. Just makes you look delusional

    5. hellpander1 on

      People talk about everybody seeing something on OF like is xvideos. Isn’t this shit all behind a paywall?

    6. It was really the gold rush. Anyone was making an onlyfans that year

      You were seeing nudes/porn of people who you never thought you would see nudes/porn of

    7. One thing I’ll never understand in general are women who shame sex workers openly, but will pop that pussy when a man throws enough money at them. I see that all the time at my job and the irony is hilarious.

    8. skynetempire on

      It’s like those politicians that run anti gay campaigns only to be caught in a men’s restroom sucking the D from a glory hole

    9. codecrossing on

      I relate to them because I’m a failed small town musician. Shit’s hard, yo

    10. I guess they realized once restrictions got lifted, that a stripper would show you her butthole for a dollar, so they gave up.

    11. Tha_Harkness on

      The one thing OF people need to realise is that the only thing people like more than paying for holes is talking about and sharing that info. Not a single photo you sent is not saved on multiple comps of randos.

      Yeah, holes may seem aggressive, but that is what they are buying. Not the person, personality, name or anything else.

    12. I think the average cute woman thought just opening an account and throwing out a few social media posts will land them thousands or millions. To sustain an account you either should have a following already or be a celebrity and *constantly* boost engagement. A lot of people are not built for all that.

    13. I can understand working that space, not liking it, and being critical of the industry. I have friends who have done various forms of sex work and it’s a rough gig if you want to make any real money. But it’s a wild take to talk down on someone else for doing the same thing you tried in the past. It’s an even wilder take when we can probably all find pictures/video of you doing it

    14. fatslayingdinosaur on

      One of the funniest things is some of them put it all out there on OF and hardly got any money for it then deleted but the internet never forgets they assholes are archived

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