Old letter from my great grandmother, signed Heil Hitler

    by Bogoogs


    1. It’s probably not a good idea to show her real full name. You might want to take this down or black out her name.

    2. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt. Who knows what kind of bubbles people live in? Many are oblivious to things going on around us and the world found out about the Holocaust after the war. She could not have known about the inhumanity in that phrase when she signed the letter in 1944.

    3. Oh shit. That changes things. I figured she was saying hi to her relatives in America but she was trying to rat someone out. I’ll give her credit for nice handwriting.

    4. For those saying she’s ratting someone out, she is requesting a new address of someone that used to live at the mentioned address.

      Also, as far as we are aware, it was legally required to sign letters that way during that time.

    5. strangerinthebox on

      It says: “I ask you kindly to name the current address of Mr Franz Werle Obering, formerly living in Mannheim, Schanzenstrasse 28, to share it with me. Kind regards in advance!

      She seemed to search for someone. Please, people, don’t go and judge people not knowing what you are looking at. This behavior had brought us all to where we are, hating each other and fighting against each other. We all need more knowledge and less half baked accusations to prevent shitshows like the worldwars again.

    6. Many people don’t seem to realize letters were manually inspected by the government for signs of anti party rhetoric – the heil was basically required.

    7. Weird how many redditors seem to have nazis for ancestors and like to post about it

    8. Practical-Match-4054 on

      Some of those cursive letters look so European. I grew up French and had penpals from Belgium. They wrote like that and I remember noticing the differences in how some letters are written.

    9. IEatBabysYumYum on

      German Guy here. My Grandpa has a Bible somewhere from 1939 from a wedding and inside you HAD to write inside „Heil Hitler“. 2-3Weeks later WW2 Started and my Great grandpa never came back 🙁


      ChatGPT has gotten REALLY good at translating. I thought it would have a problem with the cursive but nope.

      Certainly! Here is the translation of the historical letter:

      **Bertl Gerich**

      **Karlsruhe, October 20, 1944**

      To the
      Police Headquarters

      I kindly ask you to inform me of the current address of Mr. Franz Werle Obering, formerly residing in Mannheim, Schaumainkai 28.

      Thank you in advance!

      **Heil Hitler!**

      **Bertl Gerich**

      **Enclosure: Two postage stamps**
      **à 6 Pfennig**

      The letter is a formal request to the police headquarters in Mannheim, asking for the current address of an individual named Franz Werle Obering, who previously lived at Schaumainkai 28 in Mannheim. The letter concludes with “Heil Hitler,” a common salutation used during the Nazi era. The sender has enclosed two postage stamps with the letter.

    11. Misguidedsaint3 on

      That’s a very cool piece of history. I’d frame that or something to protect it.

    12. Creepy_Assistant7517 on

      as the letter is addressed to the ‘Police Headquarters’ i think I’d have put a heil in there as well … maybe more just to be sure. Here is a translation:

      To the Mannheim Police Headquarters,

      I kindly request that you inform me of the current address of Mr. Franz Werle Obering, born on 22.02.93 in [illegible], formerly residing in Mannheim, Schanzenstraße 28. Thank you in advance.

      Enclosed: two 6-pfennig stamps

      An das Polizeipräsidium Mannheim,

      Ich bitte sie freundlichst, mir die jetzige Adresse des Herrn Franz Werle Obering, geb. 22.02.93 in [unlesbar] , ehemals wohnhaft in Mannheim, Schanzenstraße 28, mitzuteilen. Im vorraus besten Dank.

      Anlage: zwei Briefmarken a 6 Pfennig

      I wouldn’t judge her for the ‘Heil Hitler’ part – it was drilled into people as a standard greeting…and seems hard to forget:



    13. Chucheyface on

      I wonder how much of our history was destroyed because people didn’t want to keep, for example, Nazi paraphernalia. (I know it’s just a letter that had to be signed as such.)

    14. German people who have a low IQ should learn that Hitler and the top nazis were jews who intentionally lost ww2. Those were not “mistakes” in the war. Without those huge “mistakes” Germany would have won.

      I’m not German and dont care about them. But i just want to teach this to the low IQ people of Germany if anyone there is reading this. Because their stupidity is annoying. How can they get their own history so wrong?

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