Thomas Paine actually suggested Jesus never existed

    by Coffin_Builder


    1. nickthedicktv on

      Thomas Jefferson: re-re-re-REMIX! *publishes *The Philosophy of Jesus of Nazareth and The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth**

    2. AwfulUsername123 on

      He says in *The Age of Reason*

      > As it is nothing extraordinary that a woman should be with child before she was married, and that the son she might bring forth should be executed, even unjustly, I see no reason for not believing that such a woman as Mary, and such a man as Joseph, and Jesus existed; their mere existence is a matter of indifference about which there is no ground either to believe or to disbelieve, and which comes under the common head of, It may be so; and what then? The probability, however, is that there were such persons, or at least such as resembled them in part of the circumstances, because almost all romantic stories have been suggested by some actual circumstance; as the adventures of Robinson Crusoe, not a word of which is true, were suggested by the case of Alexander Selkirk. It is not the existence, or non-existence, of the persons that I trouble myself about; it is the fable of Jesus Christ, as told in the New Testament, and the wild and visionary doctrine raised thereon, against which I contend.

    3. RattyJackOLantern on

      Conservative Christians when they find out Thomas Jefferson made his own version of the Bible:


      Conservative Christians when they find out Jefferson’s version of the Bible was an attempt to get at a moral philosophy of Jesus, removing all references to miracles and most supernatural elements generally because he thought they were unimportant and probably made up later:

      “We just won’t mention that!”


    4. The_Plat_egg51 on

      The religion of the founders is almost entirely different than the religion of today. In fact, you won’t see the beginning of current christianity in America until the Second Great Awakening well after the founders had passed or were in their later years. To say that they had the same beliefs on religion as we do today would be dishonest and, at best, ignorant.

    5. Not_a_wannabe on

      Odd, I was always taught they were Deists, and Agnostics, never heard they were all “Christian”, and I’ve known Haym Soloman was Jewish since 9th grade…late 60s.

    6. The founders were Deists. They believed in a great clockmaker who set things in motion and then stepped back.

    7. Saturn_Ecplise on

      It seems pretty obvious.

      They hate Kings, and the most common way for King to hold power is religion.

    8. Cucker_-_Tarlson on

      Is there actually any evidence that Jesus was a real person? I haven’t been able to get a straight answer on that.

    9. Vermontpride on

      The founders were loosely Christian but most just believed in a higher power of some sort. Many were free masons and abhorred organized religion. Thomas Jefferson has a quote where he says a persons religion doesn’t matter and that he would only judge them on their character.

    10. most of them believed in greater deity but weren’t christian the same way as current american protestants? i am not sure

    11. ecthelion108 on

      Some even called themselves deists: yeah, I believe in God, but I don’t know about all that Jesus bullshit, lol

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