And this is why you shouldn’t support the death penalty.

    by Kenyalite


    1. If there’s even one wrongful conviction on death row that’s too many and there’s no way to be 100% sure they’re all correctly convicted.

    2. DependentMedium7706 on

      Where is the compensation for all the years taken away from this man??!!

    3. giskardwasright on

      I remember watching a video years ago about a guy who was in from the late 70s to early 2000. He talked about phones and remote controls, but the grocery store is what really blew his mind.

      Watching him marvel at stuff like frozen blueberry waffles and how many flavors gatorade makes was heartbreakingly awesome. Kind of like his face here. On one hand, it’s amazing to see the absolute wonder on his face. But then you realize why he’s never had fajitas.

    4. PermaBanComingSoon on

      Wholesome but also terribly depressing. There are so many people of color that are behind bars because of false convictions. At least he was lucky enough to be released, albeit after a major chunk of his life had already been taken.

    5. TheMoorNextDoor on

      I think people tend to forget that even though you are on the inside and the world is passing you by you aren’t completely ignorant of new technology. People been sneaking things on the inside, most prisons get tablets, you can even access social media in certain cases, etc.

      The thing that would be shocking to most would be new experiences of life. To go from going in 1995 and seeing how life is lived then to 2024 is scary as shit. Sizzling fajitas would’ve been mad fancy and wild in 1995 but in 2024 it’s damn near basic.

      Imagine him seeing those Amazon stores you can walk in and walk out with items, that would blow someone mind just fresh out.

      Seeing what the average new house in 1995 was to what the average new house in 2024 looks like.

    6. Also: killing people is wrong. That’s enough for me not to support the death penalty.

    7. DaBigadeeBoola on

      I’m not going to lie, I still be thinking they guilty but got off on a technically. 

    8. Everything in life should be free for this man. 34 years of stolen life. Our government should front the bill for anything he wants for the rest of his remaining years.

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