These stairs lead to nowhere.

    by thenamesis2001


    1. In the movies, you’d press the wall and find a secret passage leading to…

    2. Bulky_Specialist9645 on

      There used to be an opening straight ahead. You can tell because there’s no wood flooring border there, the herringbone pattern runs under the wall.

    3. CreativeFraud on

      Have you tried running full speed into that wall? I’ve learned a lot from movies and I believe there is a secret room back there. Please report back!

    4. I’d make a wonderful velvet perch for a very royal cat to sit and judge me.

    5. deceptiveprophet on

      Hit the wall and see if it disappears. There might be a hidden passage.

    6. Musicfan637 on

      We’re on a road to nowhere.
      Come on inside.
      Takin’ that ride to nowhere.
      We’ll take that ride.

    7. anonymousUTguy on


      Secret door secret door secret door secret door

    8. Can you see that window from the outside? If not, you got a sweet ass haunted house with secret rooms

    9. LorenzoStomp on

      That’s where you put the Confrontation Chair, where you wait in the darkness for your kids or spouse to try to sneak upstairs 3 hours late.

    10. cyberentomology on

      I’d build a big tall house with rooms by the dozen,
      Right in the middle of the town.
      A fine tin roof with real wooden floors below.
      There would be one long staircase just going up,
      And one even longer coming down,
      And one more leading nowhere, just for show.

    11. Did you even try leaping through the picture before making this baseless claim? They could lead to a wonderful world where you can stomp goombas and crush turts.

    12. Ap76QtkSUw575NAq on

      There’s an invisible potion on the floor somewhere. Just spam ‘A’.

    13. supershinythings on

      Winchester House took some damage during an earthquake so repairs often just meant they blocked off whatever collapsed behind it and removed debris. It once had a seven story tower. The third and fourth floors also fell. Chimneys collapsed all over; this place was NOT earthquake-safe.

      As a result it has stairs to nowhere all over the house. Whole floors and wings collapsed, the rubble removed, but the rich woodwork and stairs leading to and from the collapsed and removed sections remained.

      They made up a myth that the house was haunted but really it just had earthquake damage.

      If you take the tour they spout all kinds of nonsense about Mrs. Winchester being compelled to build continuously due to haunting. But actually a number of stairs and landings were just closed off after the earthquake.

      I’m sure she had things fixed and adjusted as she got older and didn’t visit so many parts of the rambling mansion. But when one gets elderly, walking up stairs, even specially installed low-height ones, gets harder and harder.

      I bet if she had considered aging in her original design she might have figured out a better way to get around the place – mechanical elevators, ramps with chair-lift mechanical assists, etc. would have allowed her to get around more.

      I found the collection of uninstalled Tiffany stained glass windows to be the most interesting. I wonder if they just survived the earthquake and were reclaimed from partially collapsed sections.

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