The Communist Party of Germany refused to work with other left-wing parties like the SPD, hence why Hindenburg and then Hitler rose to power

    by Professional_Cat_437


    1. Tonton_Keunotor on

      While that is true, the feud between SPD and KPD also comes from the SPD (looking at you Gustav Noske) working with the Freikorps (far right paramilitary groups) against the KPD in 1919-21.
      Gustav Noske ordered the murder of prominent figures like Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht after a failed communist uprising.

    2. DerGovernator on

      There’s a reason why no other Communist revolution in Europe succeeded after the Bolsheviks pulled the “Psyche! We’re killing the Social Democrats too!” card, no one was stupid enough to work with communist revolutionaries who were clearly going to try the same thing the second they were in a position to do so. “How dare the SPD not work with the people who were clearly going to try to kill them too once they were finished! Those Bastards!”

    3. AsianCheesecakes on

      Blaming leftists for the existence of their own oposition is a choice… How about the liberals in power suppress the fascists as well as they did the revolutionaries?

    4. dickshittington69 on

      I would impregnate that woman, support her full-term to childbirth, then ghost her.

    5. lifasannrottivaetr on

      The USSR was secretly working with militarists in the Weimar Republic and later the Nazis. A grand alliance between leftists in the interwar period of Germany would have worked against Stalin’s foreign policy and he controlled the KPD through the Comintern.

    6. Big_Red_Machine_1917 on

      How dare the KPD not work with a political party that actively suppressed them and threaten to expel members who did want to work with the Communists.

      I’ll also point out that the SPD utterly failed to defend itself when the time came. in 1932 when Franz von Papen toppled the social democratic government of Prussia in a coup, the SPD had millions of members, millions of workers organised in trade union loyal to them, and millions of people organised in it’s Reichsbanner paramilitary wing. Yet they did nothing to resist the coup.

    7. Ok-Comedian-6725 on

      actually, in a way this is correct, but not in the way you think it is. the reason the KPD was ineffective wasn’t because they weren’t about to just meekly “cooperate” with the SPD just so the SPD could continue to completely ignore them and shut them out of power. its because the KPD didn’t just send its fighters to kill hitler and the top nazi leadership right there and then, and then seize power

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