Kendrick Lamar was right. They not like us.

    by BigClitMcphee


    1. where are all those “I shoot pedophiles” truck owners now, eh? EH?!?!

      Too busy forgiving their local pastor for diddling kids and thirsting at the idea of murdering democrats probably.

    2. saintsfan92612 on

      remember, Trans people are bad because they might put our children in danger.

      Now excuse me while I worship the ground that Trump shits on

    3. Doublebosco on

      Seriously, how can another read the detail in her story and still think this man is fit for anything…. Beyond me.

    4. Here’s the thing with conservatives: they'”re not proclaiming to be against pedophiles (or for or against anything else) because they have anything against pedophiles per se, they proclaim to be against them because they think YOU are and want to frame themselves as the good guys to sway you.

    5. everythingbeeps on

      I mean, you’re talking about people who want to eliminate the age of consent and force 12 year old girls to carry babies.

    6. Any-Variation4081 on

      They don’t like DEMOCRAT pedophiles. They are fine with them if they are Republicans. They assume its democrats with no proof. You show them proof of a republican doing it then they still don’t believe it. Cults gonna cult

      Biden 2024

    7. 100BaphometerDash on

      The far right are a cult.

      The oligarchy spent countless billions of dollars on propaganda to train the stupidest, most gullible, angriest idiots to be a totally obedient fascist cult.

    8. MinimumApricot365 on

      Idk why people think this is some kind of revelation. This particular rape has been known about for a long time, his supporters do not care.

    9. Snakestream on

      We’ve always known they don’t *actually* care about “protecting the kids”. That’s why they have consistently voted for pedophiles and continue to try and shield them from prosecution.

    10. John Rose, 45 year old Republican from TN, met his wife when she was 17 years old in high school, he even gave her a scholarship.

      Married at 21, two kids.

      People keep voting him in.


      It’s not pedophille if he’s Republican.

    11. They think this is a game and they want to win. They’re backing the guy who they think will bring victory.

    12. Guess thats the point… if they can normalize behavior from dipshits like him then they are free to act as immoral and undignified as they want

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