In 1578, archaeologists stumbled upon a vast network of underground tombs hidden beneath Rome that served as the resting place for the remains of thousands of early Christian martyrs. Many of these supposed saints were removed from the tombs and sent to the Catholic churches of Europe in order to replace many of the holy relics that were destroyed in the Protestant Reformation. Upon arrival to their new resting place, the skeletons were reassembled and adorned by jewels, crowns, armor, lace, and gold to serve as a physical representation of the treasures believed to await them in the afterlife


    by innuendoPL


    1. Full-Confection-6197 on

      And people wonder about Plastered Skulls some 6k years earlier. Human need for a hero is deep

    2. Lucky-Refrigerator-4 on

      Wow. Those teeth enjoyed a lot of hand-ground flour. I would assume not a noble/royal. Unless they had hypodontia in the maxilla.

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