oh yeah?

    by jellylemonshake


    1. I’m sure that people with massive hoards of wealth (only attainable through massive human suffering on an industrial scale) has never been a benefit or detriment to me at all!

      ^I’m ^also ^coincidentally ^the ^most ^clueless ^person ^you’ve ^ever ^met!

    2. Usedcumsocks on

      Billionaire dick riders are the weirdest bunch of people. Gurl, they ain’t gonna give you a single cent or look at you like you are not filth

    3. Billionaires existing is proof positive how bad capitalism can be when left unchecked. And lord knows it’s been going rampant for too long now without any effective regulation.

    4. Commercialfishermann on

      Like Bezos recently buying 50billion of single family homes? Yeah wonder why so many of us are working homeless.

    5. LaraCroftCosplayer on

      Im getting hatred because homophobic billionaires spit dumb and hatefull posts all over the internet.

    6. Glittering-Wonder-27 on

      Using their money to destroy the United States is certainly a problem for the average person.

    7. nickthedicktv on

      Families of opioid victims trying to sue the evil Sackler family: fuck you

      I have a libertarian joke. Ayn Rand, Rand Paul, and Paul Ryan all walk into a libertarian bar. Everyone dies of alcohol poisoning because there were no regulations. The end.

    8. Dolorem_Ipsum_ on

      Ok fine, none of my PERSONAL problems are the fault of billionaires.

      But ALL of our collective problems are absolutely the fault of greedy motherfuckers. Hope that clears this up. And nice try.

    9. A billionaire who is keenly interested in influencing politics and paying off Supreme Court justices?

    10. No billionaires exist without being/having been a total pain in the balls to a ton of people…

      Chuck Feeney is a total legend that understood the assignment of being a Billionaire

    11. That_One_Normie on

      If they are the ones who control prices on everything then yes tf they are

    12. People like this actually believe that wealth is completely unrelated to natural resources and thus, infinite.

      They are, of course, idiots.

    13. Buying up houses, driving up costs of real estate but not affecting the lives of the rest of us? Hmmm.

    14. TonightAdventurous76 on

      If 6 percent of a country has more accumulated wealth than the rest of the country combined I would say yes, that is a problem. Make a toast 🥂 for glass ceilings… not to be a communist or anything

    15. modsstealjobs on

      “The people who make *more* from your labour than you do, who have personal, private access to everyone you vote for, are *definitely* not the cause of your problems.”

      This message brought to you by Grima Wyrmtongue.

    16. RandoFartSparkle on

      Implementing dystopian authoritarian police states is what oligarchs do.

    17. magicmulder on

      These are the same people who claim they have a problem because other people are gay/trans.

    18. Comfortable-Bench330 on

      Tell that to the emerald miner-slaves that worked for Ellon’s father

    19. But redistributing some of their money toward the public good (education, heath care, housing, child care, infrastructure) would solve a lot of them, for majority. And the rest would benefit indirectly.

    20. superpantman on

      I used to think this but since Gary Stevenson explained this it just fucking clicked.

      There’s a reason shit has been going downhill for decades even after endless changes and why house prices are rising worldwide and why governments are broke as fuck and why people have less and less money

      It’s because more and more money is ending up in the hands of a few, more and more of our jobs are from huge companies. It’s bad now but it definitely gets a lot worse but this has been a linear problem getting worse and worse. Best you can do is plan if you know the outcome.

    21. It’s technically the truth.
      You don’t have problems BECAUSE someone else is a billionaire. It is usually the same reason someone became billionaire, or because a billionaire decided that you don’t matter….

    22. treypage1981 on

      Well we’re all about to be billionaires now the administrative state is out of the way, right?

    23. Yeah no. All of our problems are because billionaires refuse to fix the problems they create. Then they tell us it’s up to us with patronizing bullshit like using metal straws and reusable bags lol

      Which does fuck all to combat their lunacy

    24. People like this poster just want to lick the boots of every powerful person and do mental gymnastics to justify one person hoarding so much wealth, for one massively delusional reason – they think that they too are only one lucky break away from being mega rich. Even if they won’t admit it, these people will support policies that actively hurt them, but help billionaires, because they’re convinced themselves that they’re on the way to amassing a billion dollars

      It’s fucking pathetic, and it enables the wealth disparity shit we see today in society

    25. >someONE

      There are 3,194 billionaires in the world and 756 in America.

      There are too many people hoarding wealth that is not being actively circulated, and money only has value to society when it is exchanged for actual goods.

      Libertarians don’t know shit about the economy.

    26. TekieScythe on

      If you own a company and your employees have to be on government assistance, it’s your fault.

    27. This is false. No one ever talks about how it’s impossible for a single person to break into the mega industries like cars and oil. It seems laughable to even say, but it also does not reflect in any way the ability or skill of the people running those industries today, they were just born into wealth. It’s monarchies by another name.

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