
    by capndodge17


    1. AsparagusTamer on

      “They’ll finally put those people who look down on me in their place!”

    2. Ok-Humot9024 on

      Cishet white men who think The Andy Griffith Show was a documentary and whack themselves to sleep every night to dream about a return to this simple, white-washed version of the past. And straight-up misogynist racist homophobes.

      See also: women and minorities who have been brainwashed by the above.

    3. If you’re a white Christian nationalist I assume you’d think it sounds like a perfect solution to all your perceived societal problems.

    4. Watchingquietly7707 on

      Because they want to hang the Blacks, enslave the Hispanics, and force women into sexual servitude all because they are a bunch of tiny pathetic things about to burn out of history. It’s a last violent push for relevance.

    5. People who think the face-eating leopard party surely won’t eat * their * face.

    6. Mcboatface3sghost on

      Depends? Are you a white billionaire? Cause it sounds pretty good to them, so good that they came up with it.

    7. PineappleTraveler on

      The in-cult take is, and I quote my uncle: “the president will execute his own plan. These republicans have no say. They are unelected anyway.”

    8. inbetween-genders on

      Cause there are folks that want to reduce taxes for a tax bracket they will never belong in.


    9. IlluminatiMinion on

      This video explains it quite well. They get to act on their hate for groups of people that they their pseudo-christian religion has taught them to hate.

      >The 10 tactics of fascism | Jason Stanley | Big Think

    10. DischordantEQ on

      Sounds like if you are a rich cisgender straight white male who doesn’t have a single friend/family member that isn’t, this plan would be amazing for you.

    11. Awkward-Fudge on

      It was created and crafted by those at the top of the GOP food chain- they are the commanders; it will benefit them only. It’s their reward for playing the long game. They have to sell it to the morons under them to get them on board and vote for them to get in; if you pay any attention to christian or conservative influencers it’s crap they have been bleating and repeating for like 2 or 3 years now to prime the morons to accept it. Once the people at the top are in; they don’t care if the MAGA morons accept it or not- they are free to implement their plan of misery and poverty for all of us. The MAGA morons will suffer along side everyone but can repeat to themselves that they are owning the libs and might be a commander billonaire oneday so it all is worth it.

    12. It’s right wingers willing to give up the freedom they yell about so much in an attempt to own the libs. That’s it.

    13. Because you think your constitutional rights and christian liberties have been so violently taken from you that you have to take your country back in the name of jesus. I know these people, I could write the goddam script.

    14. DiscombobulatedHat19 on

      They are fascist cunts who think they’ll be part of the new ruling class. If you are a pathetic loser with no morals this seems like a good thing

    15. First_Play5335 on

      I can’t understand why the Heritage Foundation wants to force me to live the way they want me to live. ‘Cause that’s not gonna work out well. Ask my parents.

    16. Hairy-Dumpling on

      Because they’re deluded enough to think they’ll be part of the ruling party when the fascism is installed.

    17. TacoBear207 on

      Well, it does all the things that a Nazi does without sounding so German and foreign.

    18. dontreallycareforit on

      >Well you see as a child I was threatened with force and then further had my bodily well-being threatened in the afterlife for not intuitively complying with my highly specific version of “The Christian Church” and due to my lack of critical thinking skills and fear of losing my own well-being and my social life I decided the best most smartest move was to not question anything my “holier than thou” community and family bullies were trying to instill in me and to join the bullies in my adulthood picking on whatever minority-du-jour the television tells me to be mad about increasing my own perceived social value by screaming the loudest-and often most violent- for my team.

    19. not_productive1 on

      Conservatives are running out of road. It’s either this or a hard pivot away from everything they’ve been telling their voters they wanted since like 1980. They’ve been manipulating their voters for decades with this “we really want to do these things that will make the world feel like you remember it but the big mean libs won’t let us so I guess we’ll have to compromise and just give tax cuts to corporations” bullshit. That’s over now. They have the power to do what they said they wanted. And so their voters have decided they should go ahead and do it then.

    20. Because so many voting conservatives are either clueless, brainwashed or simply cruel or some combination of all three.

    21. Weak beta Republican “men” who are constantly rejected by the women that find them repulsive, or the closet gay ones that are self depreciating and feel the need to try to prove how totally “hetero” they are.

    22. Fantastic_Mess6634 on

      The problem is only 25% of the population even knows it’s a threat.

      It’s not the people on Reddit you need to convince to vote Biden, it’s the entire electorate. And he can’t win.

      So the dems just default to establishment rules and we accept Project 2025?

      Great plan.

    23. Any-Variation4081 on

      Because they want to control people they don’t like or understand. Poc, lgbtq, atheists. Anyone who isn’t a white Christian rich male must be controlled by them. Can’t have democrats out here taxing them and preserving our rights. That doesn’t help them.

    24. Because they believe they will be in the side to make the rules. But unless they make a few million a year, they won’t be

    25. BrainyRedneck on

      So honest question here. I live in one of the most red states in the US (second largest margin of victory for Trump in the election).

      Do people actually support Project 2025? Literally every conservative know either is willfully ignorant or believes Project 2025 is a made up liberal conspiracy. They wouldn’t know about it or believe it unless Trump read the manifesto out loud.

      Then they would just say they trust Trump though so nothing would change. Just curious if there are any parts of the country with intelligent conservatives (I know… oxymoron).

    26. Janeygirl566 on

      Some people see Handmaid’s Tale as a caution. Some see it as life goals.

    27. Guccifer789 on

      Its great if you one of the corporate overlord class, you get more money and conrol

    28. The few at the top will get RICH, selling it to all the other rural white idiots that this is the way to take their country back

      It’s how cults work. Sell utopia to the masses, and take in their cash as a necessary cost

      See: religion

    29. EnvironmentalPay4036 on

      Since I see a lot of people talking about project 2025 but haven’t seen people actually describing what it is, I will do so right now.

      Project 2025 will

      1. Allow Trump to kill black people.
      2. Allow Trump to overturn the 13th and 19th amendment.
      3. Allow Trump to give the nuclear code to Putin
      4. Allow Trump to fire all of the democratic party
      5. Allow Trump to Jail anyone who voted for Democrats and put them in concentration camps.
      6. Allow Trump to kill black people
      7. Allow Trump to run as president indefinitely 

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