Getting everything together for a small production run. No idea of price. I still have to total up costs of everything first. My winter project.

    by ShitBeansMagoo


    1. ShitBeansMagoo on

      Hello again everyone. Check my old post for more details. Sorry I never got around to a more detailed post featuring the prototype electrictronics and modifications done in this project. Working full time and depression doesn’t leave much spare time. I still intend to. Maybe later. It is a holiday after all. As always feel free to message me with questions about this project or the status of the up coming production run of six units. Same design and features as the prototype but refined. Same model but all different due to, shall we say, antique condition. One is in excellent condition inside and out. Finished price will vary slightly because of this. That’s about it for now. Thanks for looking. Happy 4th of July to all my American friends! As always everyone take care. Love, peace and grease. – Sputnik

    2. falcon_driver on

      What’s the story on these? Are they upgraded with LED and modern batteries?

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