Can’t like fit girls without being gay…

    by jellylemonshake


    1. GarethGantuan on

      I love a powerful women both physically and mentally so I’d best tell my wife I’m gay

    2. AcceptableNet6182 on

      Someone is salty because this kind of women would kick his butt 🤣🤣🤣

    3. SufficientMain5872 on

      “Rise in homosexuality” = “some level of improvement in society not being class A dicks to gay people”, oh great correlation gods, why must you cause us so

    4. zippiskootch on

      It’s pretty clear gay culture has ‘gotten a hold’ of me because fit women are an absolute turn on to me, yet men? Yeah…not so much 🥴. So one of us is deeply confused and I doubt it’s me.

    5. ih-shah-may-ehl on

      A woman with fantastic proportions and muscle tone, crazy strong pelvic floor muscles and the stamina and endurance to ride me into oblivion… yeah why on earth would I ever want that… /s

    6. glitchdailys on

      How to tell people these women make you feel inadequate without telling people you feel inadequate

    7. AValentineSolutions on

      I love how many guys admit that they want weak women they can boss around. That says more about them than the dudes who like buff women.

    8. Leather_Network4743 on

      The fact that some people actually think about these things tells me that they’re likely denying something about themselves.

    9. The renewed rise in misogyny and sexism.

      When so many men just straight up hate women maybe they’d be better off just being with other men.

    10. Who the fuck cares!? Why are they so hyper fixated on shit that bothers NO ONE?

    11. Altruistic-Poem-5617 on

      Increase of this bodytype in women? Never seen one like this irl. These anti gay idiots reach for every straw. Also I find it weird that these anti gay super hetero people think of gay sex so much 🤔

    12. HipposAndBonobos on

      Calls themselves ‘Ancient Masculinity’, but is afraid of butt stuff. I hope someone never tells them about Emperor Hadrian, Alexander the Great, the Spartans, the Athenians, the…

    13. Can we stop giving attention to every single dumbass on the internet ? Geez…

    14. CazzaMcSpazza on

      This is such an odd take. Why are do you regularly see posts claiming that liking women who don’t fit within a very narrow look is gay? What’s the purpose? You don’t see it the other way. I’ve never seen a post saying that if a woman likes a more feminine look on a man that means she’s secretly into women.

    15. Lumpy_Branch_4835 on

      Or could it be that your just a insecure little wet end? Namaste 🙏.

    16. trailrunner79 on

      Too many muscles on a woman and it makes you gay but then if she has a slight stomach pooch she’s a poor example of femininity. Ok, got it conservatives.

    17. Yup, can confirm, I’m hella attracted to that and I’m very sapphic :3

      Love being a gay mess :3

    18. aerial_ruin on

      Erm, female bodybuilder fetishism has been around for decades. Has anyone told them that?

    19. AltheiWasTaken on

      Im a 185cm guy that weights about 65kg i wish i had a girlfriend like that just for the memes alone. (And maybe she would teach me gym stuff :] )

    20. When I read “Ancient Masculinity” I immediately thought of ancient Greeks wrestling naked.

    21. Clickityclackrack on

      What’s with this wide spread idea that there are people in droves just convincing other people to change what they’re attracted to? I feel like that isn’t possible or would be an extreme rarity.

    22. TransGirlJennifer on

      I admit… The gay has taken over my mind. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

    23. To be honest, me liking this women is kind of gay… You know, since I’m a woman a they’re hot as shit.

    24. Stop_Touching2 on

      Every man who says these women look masculine have never had the tone & definition they have. They’re either morbidly obese or skinnyfat slobs.

      So tell me bro, if she looks like a man, what do you look like?

    25. THANOSCAR73 on

      bro is mad there are women who are stronger and better built than he is LOL

    26. At this point, the word “gay” lost all its meaning. Also: “Fellas, is it gay to like women?”

    27. AreYouNormal1 on

      A brave man saying that on Twitter. Bet he wouldn’t say it to their faces.

    28. Sometimes you want a gal to tie you into a pretzel and stuff you in the trunk of her car.

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