I moved to a new condo and I’m still getting the previous occupant’s mail, including unpaid bills, letters from attorneys and banks, and three notices for an arrest warrant

    by null_input


    1. AutoModerator on

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    2. Patchworkdeath1390 on

      You should call the warrant office and inform them that the person they are looking for is gone, or talk to an attorney about a certified letter on their letterhead stating the same thing, so that you don’t get held or harassed by the police acting on old information.

    3. Doc-Brown1911 on

      Put a rubber band around them with a note saying no longer lives here please only deliver mail for “your name”. Also a sticker with your name on it might help as well.

      If it keeps happening, go to the post office and talk with them about it.

    4. KindaNewRoundHere on

      “Return to Sender” the lot and drop it in the post box. And forget about it. You are not the addressee

      Not your problem.


      Who’d want their name on that shit pile?

    5. Same here. Nothing will stop it. I’ve tried “return to sender”, “no longer at this address” and it usually just comes back. I put a note in the inside of my mailbox that says “no [last name] at this address” and it cut it down a bit, but it didn’t stop.

    6. Make sure that you’re marking through the bar code if there is one. I’ve noticed that since I started doing that, I’ve been getting less and less mail for other people.

    7. [https://faq.usps.com/s/article/How-is-Undeliverable-and-Misdelivered-Mail-Handled#report_return_misdelivered](https://faq.usps.com/s/article/How-is-Undeliverable-and-Misdelivered-Mail-Handled#report_return_misdelivered)

      If the mailpiece is delivered to the correct location but the ~recipient on the mailpiece does not reside at the address~:

      * Write “**Not at this address**” on mailpiece.
      * Don’t erase or mark over the address.
      * Provide the mailpiece to your mailperson or drop into a Collection Box receptacle.

    8. Write ‘Not at this Address’ and put it back in the mailbox and raise the flag

    9. I keep getting my former landlords’ wife’s very expensive cosmetics and skincare products delivered to my apartment and no one has ever followed up so now I get regular deliveries of some high end moisturizer, eye cream, and other stuff I’ve never used before.

    10. No arrest notices, but we’ve owned our house for 5 years, and we not only get mail for the previous owners (frequently), who lived there for some 7-8 years, but *two* other previous tenants as well pretty consistently. The rabbit hole goes deep.

    11. brokenfaucet on

      You can get a “return to sender; not at this address” stamp on Amazon. Stamp the pile and throw ‘em back in the mailbox.

    12. If you got a good deal on the condo, the previous occupant may have had to vacate quickly…

    13. Lilith_Christine on

      I still get mail for my ex. They haven’t lived at that address for almost 20 years.

    14. UCFknight2016 on

      I bought a stamp on amazon saying “not at this address” because I have been getting the previous tenants mail now for a year. So annoying.

    15. darthy_parker on

      Not your problem and “not at this address” for everything *except* the warrants. That will become your problem in a big and possibly very unpleasant way when the police decide to stop by and arrest this person. Go to your local police and notify, and also notify the court that issued the warrant. ASAP!

      If you want to reduce future mail like this, go speak to the postmaster at your local post office (the one that your mail carrier is based at, not necessarily the closest one).

    16. Over at r/usps, they recommend writing “MLNA” on the mail piece.

      MLNA = Moved, Left No Address

      It’s the proper way, instead of writing “RTS” (Return to Sender) which does not sufficiently explain the reason that you want it returned to sender.

    17. I experienced something similar many years ago. My family and I had just moved into a new house when I was 18. At the time, I worked at a Kmart in a not great part of town. I guess cops would chill in the parking lot and scan license plates for anyone of interest to pull them over as they leave private property. One night after work I noticed a cop car following me out but I thought he was just leaving as I literally could not have had time to do anything illegal in the 30 seconds it took me to leave the property. As soon as I hit the street, he pulled me over and asked if I knew (guy’s name). I naively thought he was asking about a neighbor. Nope the guy previously at my address was wanted for all kinds of things. The cop felt bad pulling me over for it.

    18. BigMoneyChode on

      I work for USPS. You can put these in outgoing with “not at this address” written on it, and your carrier should know to send them back. Writing your name on your mailbox should help with this too. If you ever get the chance, talk to the carrier when he shows up. Just politely explain that you’re receiving a bunch of mail from the previous resident.

      We have ways to stop this. One simple way is adding a card to your address that lets anyone doing the route know which names are good/not good. More importantly, we can hold all of this person’s mail for 10 days to determine if they have a forwarding address. If they do not, we can change their status to “MLNA” (Moved Left No Address) in the computer system, which should automatically get rid of their mail from coming in.

    19. IncredulousPatriot on

      The place I lived in Colorado had this guy Tony living there before me. We got all sort of stuff in his name. All sorts of mail. The repo man came twice. And finally the police showed up looking for him.

    20. “So we’re there, just like, talking or whatever
      I’m explaining (whatever, whatever, how’s your new place?)
      And so anyway
      I had missed the whole thing ’cause I didn’t get the piece of mail, blah, blah, blah
      you know how it goes
      “You gotta get your mail forwarded, you gotta get your mail forwarded”
      I’m like, yo, I know I know (get organized)
      And you know, copping a plea, whatever
      But then, later, I’m sit, I’m, I’m like thinking, like
      Why I don’t get my mail like, you don’t get your mail forwarded when you’re poor
      Let me explain to you, right
      I lived in this building for like, almost twenty years (just say twenty years)
      And almost the whole time I lived there, I got mail for Rolodon
      I got mail for Mr. Sahadi (I got a lot of mail, I was getting everybody’s mail)
      (People you don’t know when they even lived there)
      So I’m getting all these people’s mail for like fifteen years
      I’m getting these people’s mail
      Twenty years I’m getting these people’s mail
      And now, I come to another spot and the mailbox full of other people mail
      People who don’t want they mail forwarded, ya mean?
      And you could tell, cause you’d look at the mail, it’s creditors, car insurance, it’s the-
      It’s the hospital bills, police man, ambulance, insurance, child protective services
      (That’s why you don’t get your mail forwarded. Somebody getting my mail right now)
      After I’m dead, they still gon’ be getting my mail
      I’m getting your mail
      I’m reading it
      It says you’re broke”

    21. If the dude got A warrant. Doubt he wants to give the USPS a change of address notification.

    22. SatanLifeProTips on

      Lifeprotip: If you order drugs from the dark web, use the previous tenants name. Picking a random name not associated with your address is a flag when crossing a border.

      As soon as the letter shows up with your shipment, write MOVED across it and leave it by the door for a few days just in case you get a knock on the door asking questions about that package.

    23. Stylez_G_White on

      I’m guessing the neighbors were happy to see you moving in to replace them lol

    24. spirit_of_a_goat on

      You need to write “return to sender- not at this address” and put it back in your mailbox.

    25. staticbrain on

      You need to contact the clerk of court sending the letters and the sheriff’s department involved in your area. You will be getting your house searched soon….

    26. Call the police station, the court, and the lawyers office and TELL THEM HE MOVED. If you live in a no knock state you might get fucking shot in your bed, or they might shoot your dog. Make sure god and everybody knows he’s not there.

    27. WishieWashie12 on

      The best housewarming present I ever received was a return to sender stamp.

    28. I had a repo man come to pick up a car that belonged to the previous renter of a house I bought three years ago. I’ve been getting their mail too.

    29. MamaTried22 on

      I write “RETURN TO SENDER” or “DOES NOT LIVE HERE” and get the mail person to take them back. Sometimes if you clip it on the mailbox they won’t.

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