Smartest man ever!

    by jellylemonshake


    1. He’s right, Earth isn’t threatened by global warming. Plants and animals on earth are a different story

    2. DrPandaaAAa on

      It’s true, Venus is well known for its paradisiacal living conditions conducive to human life such as its average surface temperature of around 870°F (465°C), its pressure 92 times greater than that of the Earth and its clouds of sulfuric acid.

    3. Tommy-ctid-mancblue on

      He’s right and I don’t think we should talk about saving the planet – we should talk about saving human lives

    4. Does he think people are suggesting global warming is going to literally destroy the planet? I refuse to believe anyone without developmental disorder is this stupid.

    5. zippiskootch on

      I guess Steve here just isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. I recommend he live as close the shore of either ocean and stay there. The effects of climate change will handle the rest.

    6. mi-chreideach on

      He should go try to live on Venus…as should all of the other climate-change deniers.

    7. PhenotypicallyTypicl on

      This seems like sarcasm to me. He’s nitpicking about the fact that it’s not really the planet that needs saving but the (human) life on it. I mean the Twitter handle of the guy is @JunkScience. I don’t think this is supposed to be taken seriously.

    8. LaraCroftCosplayer on

      The question is not if the planet still exists, the question is if we humans can still life on it.

    9. TheHandWavyPhysicist on

      Google him, he is a professional lobbyist. Idiots tend to harm others while procuring no gains or even loses themselves. He is on the other hand more akin to a bandit: harms others for self-gain. Nasty rationality if you like. However, he isn’t a perfect bandit. I’d call him a bandit with a shade of stupidity. Since in the grand scheme of things, his gains are superficial and his actions ultimately harm others much more than he gains from them. Eventually, they may even harm himself.

    10. UniversityOrdinary91 on

      Why doesn’t the government simply require companies that put out CO2 (factories etc) need to plant x amount of trees every year relative to the amount of CO2 they release?

      How come no one has ever thought of that?

    11. Roseliberry on

      Well, the planet is perfectly fine. And Earth will be perfectly fine. WE won’t be .

    12. craigandthesoph on

      Oh Steve… we’re not worried about the *planet* not being here, you absolute prune.

    13. ICareAboutThings25 on

      I actually literally facepalmed when I saw the comparison to Venus. It’s rare this sub lives up to its name so well.

    14. DeezThoughts on

      As George Carlin once said, “the earth is going to be fine…. WE’RE fucked!”

    15. cyberlexington on

      This cannot be real. Surely this cannot be serious? No one is absolutely this fucking stupid?



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