That's a parody account but it's true.

    by Sonic_the_hedgedog


    1. SomeRandom928Person on

      No thanks, I’d be spending the entire day beating the shit out of half my family tbh.

      It’s really fucking depressing, especially knowing some of my own blood hates my guts eternally for the ‘crime’ of marrying a non-white woman.

    2. Various-Catch-113 on

      Hell, if all you focused on were domestic abusers, you’d be punching 40% of the cops. I know there’s probably a lot of crossover, but if we’re punching racists too, we’re going to need to start assigning districts.

    3. I know it is a fake account, but as my municipal job requires that I work with local police departments occasionally, I can definitively say that this satire is a reflection of the reality among many of the police officers in my area.

      The few non-racist police in my community are the true heroes, and mostly make up for their racist peers through their compassion.

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