When I take psychedelics I prefer other music, but each to their own

    by AntiFacistBossBitch


    1. > *”Alright, next one’s a youth pastor. Let’s reallly fuck with them. Cue it up – And a 1, and a 2, and a 1, 2, 3, 4…”*

    2. TheBeardedWelshman79 on

      It wasn’t in hell, it was Clacton on a Saturday night, he was Tom Peppers.

    3. Dude must be a “well-respected Youth Pastor” with a lovely Christian family to go straight to Club Hell upon death.

    4. I also want to see demons singing Umbrella, too bad, I’m not a pastor so maybe I won’t go straight to Hell.

    5. Nerevarine91 on

      When I was younger, I met a pastor who performed an exorcism on his daughter’s Black Eyed Peas albums

    6. fortytwoandsix on

      was he more disturbed by the demons’ music taste or the fact that he – as a pastor – went to hell?

    7. Gator1833vet on

      I find it extremely interesting that definite hallucinations are presented as real when it’s near death but not when uncle Frank eats mushrooms. They’re equally hallucinogenic

    8. BoobaDaBluetick on

      What kind of pastor goes to Hell upon dying? One not to listen to when he preaches.

    9. Umbra_Draconis on

      Honestly I don’t know what’s worse:

      Listening to Rihanna in hell or reading this shit here…

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