Yes, that’s who he is. My question is, is that who we are as a country?

    by CrJ418


    1. FatMarkTechPriest on

      He has been normalized. That is the problem. In doing so, his destructive ideology – an act to isolate himself from the legal jeopardy he dug himself into – has been normalized and emboldened the most godforsaken idiots this country has seen to voice out their stupidity for others to circlejerk.

      What a shithole of country the US has degenerated into. 200 years to take ot this far, it only took a single lifetime to fuck it all up.

    2. No, but that’s who the right is. Wish people would stop blaming everyone, the whole country, for the horrible shit the right does and says.

    3. UninvitedButtNoises on

      Those kids and women Donald Trump raped were asking for it.

      -MAGA prolly

    4. AutumnGlow33 on

      Yeah but it’s an “official act” don’t you know? We’ve lost.SCOTUS will get him out of this, too. He’s already off the hook on his felony convictions. We don’t even have a democracy anymore. There’s nothing anybody can or will do to stop him at this point except the obvious. The media is too obsessed with trying to make Biden quit to notice.

    5. Amazing-Exit-2213 on

      Of course, those living in the Fox News/ right-wing media silo will never hear of this. I tell MAGAts to Google the digits 7875000000, no symbols or punctuation, and see the result. “Fake News” is always the reply.

    6. AdhesivenessFun2060 on

      The media isn’t telling people it’s a problem, so most people don’t care.

    7. Robby-Pants on

      The amount of times I hear the phrase “baked in” to describe why people still support him is a large part of why I left the country. Trump himself is a symptom of something much worse.

    8. CountNightAuditor on

      This sub has spent the past week nonstop focused on hating a guy for having a cold instead, so yes, apparently it is.

    9. r_Username_0001 on

      Probably has to do more with the non stop insults about him for the last 8 years on every platform. Ever hear about the boy who cried wolf

    10. nerdyandproud1315 on

      I don’t even see this being reported in mainstream media! What is happening?!

    11. Well there’s barely any reporting on it. Everyone’s too busy talking about how Biden seemed a little sleepy during the debate.

    12. He should step down.

      A traditional politician- even a rumor of this would be the end, but we’re WAY past traditional after 12 years of this kind of stuff

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