The guy in front of me at the gas station… I get anxious looking at this

    by daspelirrojo


    1. My key ring fits in the watch pocket of jeans. I build my key ring to have only the keys I will need for the day. It helps that I don’t need a door key to my house. It also helps that I can leave my car key in the car. Rural life has its advantages

    2. Stankydankymemes on

      Keys open doors…. I’m just not sure which door this key opens.

    3. kyzersoze84 on

      He’s probably a custodian. My dad was one growing up and this was his norm

    4. CollectibleHam on

      When I worked in mobile security there was a key ring like that reserved for the keys to every little esoteric padlock and rarely visited service door all over the city that nobody felt like organizing and that just kept accumulating over a course of like a decade.

    5. Occasionally I go through periods of my life where I am forced to carry so many keys. Work car, personal car, lock boxes, garages, classroom, bike lock, etc. I hate how it feels in my pockets. When routines change it is very cathartic to separate all those keys back out into small groupings again.

    6. This happens when you have more than one house/business and more than 2 cars. I’ve had to slim down what I carry. It used to be I had everything on my keychain but now I need to pick what I bring.


    7. That dude definitely has a carpet of fast food wrappers in all of his trucks

    8. I have relatives like that. We once lost the key to the bin container shack. Turns out it was on one of these monstrosities all along.

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