And the whole while we’re struggling to exist, billionaires compete to buy social media websites

    by imjustheretodomyjob


    1. TypicalMission119 on


      We’re supposed to carry on knowing that we are powerless to do anything about it since the billionaires control everything.

    2. The poor will eat the rich, they just haven’t hit the breaking point

    3. it’s paralyzing sometimes. i feel like i just want to go hide in the closet with a bottle of wine Moira Rose style.

      it is just one thing after another with more to come and it is just too much. i try to take mental health breaks whenever i need them so i can crawl back out of the closet and carry on.



    4. It’s been really hard as a partner of a trans woman. Im really scared for our future if this old fuck doesnt stop being a selfis prick and give the nom to someone who didnt grow up with black and white tv.

    5. You know, this is perhaps some solace philosophically, but human affairs have always been rife with violence, stupidity, injustice and sometimes, pure evil. We just have access to a lot more information via social media and the internet in modern times. It has always been prudent to live with wisdom, such as can be had, in whatever small corner of the world one finds themselves.

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