Crown Prince Wilhelm, 1915

    by Anti-Fanny


    1. sonomamondo on

      The one who wore the emblem on his hat of the Hussars because he thought it was cool….

    2. “It is a war not wanted by Germany, I can assure you, but it was forced on us” – he said.
      Right, what a pathetic disguised lie , I’m sure we will hear this many times in the future, from those who need wars but cannot say it.

    3. HelgaGeePataki on

      “Ok Troops, everyone in line and let’s see if you’re dressed to impress’

      “Oh Mahler, girl, you are serving!”

      “Could use a little work there, Koch”

    4. PresentationNo1983 on

      This is a sphincter exercise they did at the time. Everyone’s butthole had to be military ready.

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