Fragment of a Tapestry or Wall Hanging (1417 AD → 1433 AD) – Switzerland [1500×1292]

    by protocodex

    1 Comment

    1. Found on [Artifact Guesser](, an Open Artifact Database with a Time/Location Guessing Game build on top for fun and discovery.


      This tapestry fragment represents a fabulous lionlike beast with pointed teeth, clawed feet, and a scaly rump. Such beasts, derived from those illustrated in classical texts like the Physiologus and medieval bestiaries, represent vices. Here the figures posed with them seem to have tamed their libidinous cravings. Such tapestries were displayed in homes providing decoration as well as insulation.

      More info, images, a map of that time period, and similar artifacts [here](

      Visit the [Original MET Source]( to see whether its on display, for their history timeline and further essays/resouces on this type of object.

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