Just Vote for Fucks sake

    by Unlucky_Hat_5815


    1. jacobean___ on

      The fact that Trump could potentially win this election is wild. His candidacy could easily be squashed in an historic landslide, but it’s almost as if the Democrats are making certain to keep him around as a threat.

    2. G-Unit11111 on

      Amen to that! The Heritage Foundation is a terrorist organization, and they need to start being treated as such!

      It’s absolutely wild that people are going after Project 2025 with kid gloves on. It’s a fucking threat. It will install a permanent authoritarian regime with one party rule. Trump will be able to enact his wildest revenge fantasies, and there will be no one to stop him!

      They must be stopped at all costs!

    3. External-Patience751 on

      But Biden is old and that is just as bad according to the media./s

    4. BlueEyedPumpkinHead on

      Hitler and the Nazis – Evil on Trial

      It’s a documentary on how Nazis took power.

      On Netflix. Watch it if you can

    5. This will all be over in a week or two. Biden will tough it out or, if not, others may make their case and then we will all move forward together. People really need to not panic

    6. WhereasResponsible31 on

      They’re counting on us being too scared to do anything. We need to disappoint them.

    7. This is why even though I’m voting Democratic I still call myself an unaffiliated conservative.

      The Democrat, the US political left in general, never misses an opportunity to shoot itself in the head.

    8. Trump can be defeated, but that just turns Project 2025 into Project 2029, then Project 2033, etc. MAGA needs to be defeated at all levels, big and small, until it is eradicated. If we want to save America as we know it, MAGA must be eliminated.

    9. Mylesdog2014 on

      They should watch what they say there mouths are going to get them hurt. Vote blue

    10. butterballbuns on

      I can understand some people might be upset that Biden is the candidate but if you discourage people from voting even with the very real danger the republicans pose, then you are the problem and hold as much responsibility as republicans if shitler wins. Vote!

    11. Dayzlikethis on

      Not enough people are paying attention.

      Have I been doom scrolling on reddit for too long? yes

    12. Many of us understand that and everyone that is concerned has a right to express it. I also agree it’s a bit much lately. Like article after article of how it’s the only solution. Democrats turning on each other and the rats saying a Trump presidency is going to be okay to save themselves.

      I’m with you. I will do everything in my power to keep that wanna be dictator out of power.

    13. ActualBacchus on

      If you’re not prepared to vote for Biden (think of it as a vote for Harris if it helps) you better be prepared to take direct action.

    14. More like some democrats: “hey, the independents are shooting at us! Let’s negotiate a truce!” And other democrats saying “no! Shoot the independents!”

    15. DrSillyBitchez on

      It’s over for Biden there’s no making everyone forget this. You either step aside or you’re crashing the ship on purpose. Classic selfish dnc. Never learned shit since 2016

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