You’re right guys, we should totally do this. Won’t end badly at all.

    by tarahunterdar


    1. Big-Foundation-5939 on

      Well I mean the same ppl saying to replace Biden now have been consistently saying we need to replace him 6,12,18 months ago. Y’all just ignored them till this shit show happened

    2. GadreelsSword on

      *“I’m a leftist and I endorse this message”*

      — Reddit Foreign Troll

    3. forgottenastronauts on

      Running for president is 70% marketing and Biden just shit the bed on national television. There’s no recovering from that.

    4. TAU_equals_2PI on

      His aides did all those accomplishments. And those aides will be part of any new Democratic administration too.

      Do people really think Biden is a one-man White House? That he does everything himself, right down to operating his social media accounts?

      Getting real tired of this whole ***”Weekend at Bernie’s”*** reboot. The original was so much better and less scary.

    5. doesn’t change the fact he’s down six points vs Trump and 80% think he is too old to be president, the public has made up their mind even if party players haven’t.

    6. EggZaackly86 on

      That is exactly correct. Joe Biden has become a senile out of control power hungry president, he needs to resign.

    7. IsGoingTTaM on

      – Trump answered maybe 1 question
      – Biden answered maybe all but 2-3 questions

      No media has been bashing Trump over his equally horrendous performance.

    8. wasn’t trump terrible as well? why is no one talking about that? this media is gonna fuck up the country

    9. For real. Its obvious now the whole thing is a Republican Trick to pressure Biden into dropping out and capture the headlines so no one talks about Trumps performance. They laid the media / bot blitz on WAY too thick and all they did was show their hand and who is not to be trusted this election. The silly leaks from Bannon and the Trump camp verify this is their plan. They want Biden to drop out and then pull some legal shenanigans to keep his successor off the ballot. Or they want to face Kamala specifically. Or some other thing that we haven’t even conceived of. They want to create as much chaos as possible to get as much before the now complicit supreme court as possible.

    10. We does everyone think it is no problem getting people to vote for an old man who definitely is in cognitive decline, but voting for a younger, energetic, intelligent candidate, like say Newsom, is a bridge to far? It is ridiculous.

    11. Saying something as senile as babies are being murdered in democrat states, shouldn’t the media be saying that trump is mentally unwell and unfit for office?

    12. lambertghini11 on

      The most frustrating part is having Trumpers I know post on Facebook about how bad Biden is & all the great things Trump has done. But no matter what you say, or showing them clear proof contradicting them, or even Trumps questionable morals, they act like it’s all a media lies.

    13. Notmywalrus on

      I would vote for any democrat over Trump.

      If that is Biden come election time, so be it.

      It’s that simple.

    14. just1sand0s- on

      Wish people would realize the President is just a face and he has a whole team who is doing a great job currently. Worried we can’t afford to divide so close to the election. We need to deal with authoritarianism first.

    15. Is everyone forgetting…convicted rapist and fraudster….

      As a choice for leader of the Free world?

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